In Development - MiG-25 Foxbat by Aviasim/GKS

How does one set the “P” needle? The only one I can currently set at the moment is the “T” needle, so I have been setting that to the total fuel in the tank. Perhaps the needle markings are reversed?

It was a bug. The P and K pointers were reversed.
We have already fixed it, and it will be included in the next update

Here the original manual

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We have uploaded the manual and the WRPN module for download on our website.

You can download it here

Also this Thursday there will be an update with hotfixes and a couple of new features.


Thank you so much for a fast update!

Is it to mask if I ask you for a changelog?
For people already flying this airplane that would help a lot to know what we need to change or what new things we have.

And now that I’m here: The flight model of this beast is really remarkable, the way the fuel consumption changes dramatically at low altitudes is very interesting, a gigantic chunk of steel plus higher air density is a terrible combination.

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As for the new features (these are some environmental effects), I will show them on Thursday in a video reel.

But in parallel, we are currently working on the next update, it will include advanced autopilot features and some improvements in flightplanning, plus sound notifications. Also we are going to extend weapon functionality.


Oh boy, that sounds exciting :slight_smile: Thanks for keeping us updated !

Thanks for working on continued updates! Looking forward to the Thursday hot fixes, as well as the follow-on patch particularly for the voice notification system.

Autopilot seems to work better now, more stable.
Can we get a changelog for this update?
Thanks for the work, the plane is really awesome!

Could anyone elaborate on the combination G meter/ angle of attack gauge?
I can’t find any AOA info on it