In flight training, basic handling, that is, the third lesson don't working


Hello, I put a question here, in case you can help me. It turns out that, perhaps after some update, in flight training, basic handling, that is, the third lesson, first the instructor says that she is going to teach us to turn and that we will do it later, but after the explanation, there It remains flying, but without reacting to the controls. Does the same happen to you? Thanks.

I’m not in a position to check right now, but if it’s the mission I’m thinking of, she keeps flying for a looooong time before the next event. I think she makes three right turns and then a left and then starts back toward the airport before giving you directions and control. Give it a lot of time As long as she’s flying it, just let it keep running.

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Thank you very much for your answer. I’m going to try right now to see if it’s as you tell me. Thank you very much for the trouble you have taken. Greetings.

Well, indeed, it was just as you said. The solution was to be patient. After a while, he again lets you take the controls of the aircraft and complete the training. Many thanks.

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I’m not sure what happened with the latest update, but all of my training scenarios were erased and set back to 0%, even the VFR and IFR scenarios.
So, I started from the Basic Handling again and the 3rd lesson does not work. The instructor never gives me control and just winds up crashing into the side of a mountain.
I have tried this lesson 5 times with the exact same results on each try; instructor gives examples of making turns (both right AND left), states “keep the turns under 30 degrees” and never gives me control, resulting in the plane flying right into the tree tops of a mountain in the exact same spot.

Hi @CODAMan64
Hmmmmmmmmm. I gave it another quick try and it worked fine. Can’t say what the differences might have been. When she said something like “find the airport” (early in the flight), I made sure to use smartcam since that’s one of the objectives. Other than that, it just kept progressing through each step until the end.

Hi @Habu2u2
Weird… I progress pass the “find airport” and hit the next marker which starts the turning part, but for me it’s just not working once it gets to the turns, so it’s got to be something on my end. I’ll keep looking into it and will keep trying. I greatly appreciate the assist.

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I’ll keep looking at it too to see if there’s any other triggers I can find. Do you have your “objectives” window open? Sometimes that will show when you “haven’t completed” something (even if you feel like you have). That might give some kind of hint.

I have the same issue, control on lesson 3 (turns) is never passed to me.

You might try opening the toolbar at the top of the screen, and open the “objectives” toolbar and see if you are getting a green bar showing you’ve completed each action and see if it let you know when you’re ready to go to the next action in the training flight.

Well, I found a “solution”. The only way I can get this lesson to work is to completely remove ALL files in my community folder. I’ll have to go through each and every addon to determine the culprit.

The majority of my addons are from the Marketplace, with others from Orbx, PMDG, etc., but they all indicate they are compatible with the latest update.

So, basically the last update has put my system into a complete ■■■■■ situation…

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