Incorrect Description for Rudder Trim

Brief description of the issue:

Rudder Trim (Right) in controls has the description of “Set Aileron Right”

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Go to Controls > Control Trimming Surfaces > Rudder Trim Right

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Repro’d on v1.37.2.0. Text is incorrect for Keyboard, Mouse & Controller:

What does aileron trim have? It’s either transposed between the two, or a dodgy copy/paste I expect.

Same thing, it is a copy and paste. Someone made a post about left rudder trim having the same issue almost 4 years ago (I think? Oct. 20’), and ofc they fixed it, but ignored right rudder trim lol.

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The text for the four aileron trim settings is correct:
Aileron Trim Right Cropped