I’ve been noticing as I have been visiting larger airports that it appears (to me anyway) that some of the taxiways are labeled incorrectly.
Using Pilot2ATC I request taxi to the assigned runway and when the directions are given I am able to confirm on Navigraph. However, when I start to taxi the in sim markings do not line up.
I check Little Navmap and while they lineup with the SIM (for instance SIM says I am on Taxiway D, so does Lil Navmap, Navigraph says I’m on Charlie.
I double checked with Skyvector and confirmed I was also on Charlie.
I would imagine that Skyvector and Navigraph are correct and that the sim is wrong? Also does Little Navmap pull the taxiways from the SIM? or is it pre-populated? When I look at the chart not connected to the sim (on another PC) I see no markins so suspect it’s pulling from the sim and why it was incorrect as well.
Did you update navdata in P2ATC and LNM using the Navigraph FMS Data Manager? Not saying this will fix the issue, but it certainly helps improve things when all your apps are singing from the same song sheet.
It’s my understanding that it does indeed pull data from the sim.
This may be automatic if you are installed both on same PC…
I installed LNM to a different pc on same network and was prompted to import data from sim installed PC.
You are correct, the taxiway data in MSFS is way wrong by default, so using outside ATC systems like Pilot2ATC etc will be confusing for default airports that haven’t been corrected by addons.
Using Navigraph will fix everything.
I don’t know if Asobo has any plans to actually fix the taxiway layouts of the default airports. They’re all super wrong.
AFAIK, Little Navmap pulls taxiways (and most other airport information) from the scenery files themselves. Many of the default airports do not have the correct taxiway designations. Add-on airports may have the correct designations if the scenery developer programmed them in. Pilot2ATC uses the correct real world taxiway designations, so you’re better off using a real world airport diagram instead of what you see in LNM, especially if you’re at a default airport.
I can confirm the fact that many taxiways are mislabeled. KGSO is a perfect example. The single-most used taxiway here is K. The sim has that one set as A. I know there’s a payware version out there, but there’s so much purple where there shouldn’t be, I’d swear Zebediah Killgrave was on the dev team.