Incorrect Units of Measurement - Needs Addressing

I plan to submit this as a support ticket but wanted to see if it might gain some traction here too.

In a nutshell, as a professional pilot, I find the incorrect units of measurement in the sim a bit infuriating. They are neither all one thing or another, and currently form a sort of hybrid of incorrect measurements that bare very little relation to the real world. For example, wind is never reported in single degrees (eg 273/12) nor is it ever reported in KPH.

The following are (to the best of my knowledge) the correct units of measurement across the world. I fly for a European airline so all of our weather data gets presented in the same format, and we have set ways of dealing with the US system, as we do for converting altitudes in Meters into Feet further East. Iā€™m fairly sure this is correct but it may be that other airlines do things differently. What can be said to be true however is that overwhelmingly the world uses the same measurements. There are only a few countries that do some things differently. In a move to harmonise Western Russia has recently switched away from using Meters to using Feet and hpa.

Anyway, here is what I believe to be correct. If you would like to see the correct units of measurement in the sim Iā€™d ask that you consider upvoting this topic. The fact that it is a mishmash of different systems is irrelevant, as that is how it is done in aviation, and having these correct is fundamental to the simulation.


Most of the World

Airspeed = Knots
Windspeed = Knots
Wind Direction = Tens of degrees
Pressure = Hectopascal (Standard Pressure 1013)
Altitude = Feet
Visibility = Meters/Kilometres
Temperature = Degrees Celsius

North America (USA/Canada)

Airspeed = Knots
Windspeed = Knots
Wind Direction = Tens of degrees
Pressure = Inches Mercury (Standard Pressure 29.92)
Altitude = Feet
Visibility = Statute Miles
Temperature = Degrees Celsius

Some Other Areas (China, Eastern Russia, Mongolia etc)

Airspeed = Knots
Windspeed = Meters per Second
Wind Direction = Tens of degrees
Pressure = Hectopascal (Standard Pressure 1013)
Altitude = Meters
Visibility = Meters/Kilometres
Temperature = Degrees Celsius

Definitely agree!

I had sent similar requirement already to Zendesk at day one timesā€¦


Atis wind speed seems to be being reported in units of ft/sec !!!

Another thoughts.

If Microsoft and Asobo do priorities due Vote system of topics (as we see constantly with Update screenshots), this topic will probably be never pushed to work direction. Only how i feel this as is nowā€¦

Completely agree. The think is most aircraft in the sim can switch between HPA and Inch but only the ATC stayed in inch ! Itā€™s quit annoying when you fly around Europe but as we know ATC need a Looooot of correction ! :wink:

I havenā€™t used a flight sim since FS2002/2004 and the ATC is virtually identical to what was on offer there, and this incorrect use of units has carried over from that.

I was disheartened to see that the ATC fix was to align it even more with the FAA. Much as I love my American Brothers & Sisters, they are but one country and the vast majority of the rest of the world use different units when it comes to visibility and pressure.

Any non-US pilot that flies in US airspace will also tell you that the Americans donā€™t go much for standard phraseology either! :grin:

It need to be fixed

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Additionally to what the OP is reporting that implies some adjustments I guess mainly in the ATIS (wind in Tens of degrees, pressure in Inches Mercury for USA/Canada and hPa for the rest of the world, visibility in Statute Miles for USA/Canada and Meters/Kilometres for the rest of the world ), under General Options, for Metric system, ā€œmillibarsā€ should be replaced by ā€œHectopascalā€ since in the weather configuration pressure is reported in hpa (should be written hPa as reported in another post: "Temperature MSL / ISA + 10" Does Not Make Sense, Units Wrong)

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Brief description of the issue:

Iā€™m flying in European airspace and I have configured MSFS to use hybrid units. Nevertheless ATC always gives QNH in Hg instead of the expected hPa.

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Configure MSFS with Metric or Hybrid, fly IFR in Europe, listen to ATC during approach.

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And the other localization issue is, that transition level is always 18000 ft, not the typical 5000 ft (or whatever is defined for the respective airport) in Europe.

It is odd to hear ATC saying climb 13000 ft and not FL130.


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Brief description of the issue:
Why cant I get the QNH in Millibars or even better HPa

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
I have tried to change Units of Measurement to Hybrid, but still get pressure in Inches of Mercury, I have tried metric, (but, dont really want altitude etc in Metres, but, still no millibars>

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Hi team,

Since the release of MSFS ATIS and ATC give air pressure in inHg, no matter what setting in ā€˜units of measurementsā€™ one uses. So my request is for ATIS/ATC to give air pressure in Millibar when units of measurements are set to hybrid or metric (like is used to be in FSX). Thanks!


I join the topic,
It would be great to choose each units, for the moment, it is not realistic, it it not was is used in Europe.
Altitude in feet
Distance nautical miles
Visibility in km
Height in feet
Weight in Kgs
Quantity in liters
Temperature in celsius
And pressue in Hectopascal !!!

It could be nice to choose each format, i think many countries has different metric system.


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Can you be more specific where you donā€™t have a chance to select this? I have all of them without problems. It can be maybe specific aircraft selection? If I look now at my G1000NXi all of your expected settings I have, also set weight options as you expect at higher sim option pane:

altitude - feets
speed - knots
dist - nm
temp - deg C
weight/payload - kg
fuel amount - liters
pressure - HPa