Inertial Separator - lack of a bindable command for it?

I fly the TBM a lot and starting to fly the Grand Caravan as well. I thought that just perhaps the “Cowl Flaps” switch on my Saitek Switch Panel would hopefully work the inertial separators, but alas it doesn’t.

So I went looking for it in the config so I could program it to one of the switches on my X56 throttle. But much to my dismay, that’s not a command that’s available or that I could find (much like CWS) in the bindable options.

Am I missing something here? Am I being a typical man and just blind to something that’s right in front of my face?

Any help would be appreciated to locate the inertial separator command. Also for CWS if it’s indeed a bindable command.



No, it’s not you. I looked at all the keyboard commands for both the 208 and the TBM and it’s not bindable. I also looked at all the simconnect events and variables and no joy with that either. It’s probably some kind of local variable specific to those planes that simconnect doesn’t know about, therefore it can’t be set until there is an SDK update that adds it.

Here are all the things I was able to bind besides the obvious stuff. I’m using Saitek panels and a Streamdeck. Some of these are keyboard bindings but I use simconnect through FSUIPC where I can. Ideally, I’d love to get to a point where I can physically operate everything without using a mouse.

Ignition Auto
Ignition On
Wing Lights
Air Frame/Windshield De-Icer Toggle
Cabin Lights
Pedestal Lights
Avionics 1 On
Avionics 1 Off
Avionics 2 On
Avionics 2 Off
Alt Static Toggle
Starter Toggle

Ignition Auto
Ignition On
Wing Lights
Air Frame/Windshield De-Icer Toggle
Cabin Lights
Pedestal Lights
Bleed Air On
Bleed Air Off
Alt Static Toggle
Starter Toggle

Thank you for that information. I’m glad I wasn’t just being a complete derp here and missing the options completely.

I too would like to be able to operate my plane(s) without having to use the mouse if possible. I’m close now outside of the radio (will likely get the Saitek radio panel in the future).

Seems to me like it’s some pretty big and glaring oversights in MSFS.

Search for “separator bypass” - I vaguely recall that being a keybind for the inertial separator in a previous version.

I searched for “separator”. That’s not an option anywhere in the bind menus.

Is “bypass” one? I can only imagine it was taken out for some reason over the course of some update if not… unfortunately.

It’s much closer in the C208 as opposed to the TMB. Here is my wish/problem list:

Can turn Fuel Boost On and Off but can’t set it to auto
Can’t toggle inertial separator
Can’t toggle bleed air
Can’t toggle stall heat switch (I’d have to doublecheck this, I think Pitot heat doesn’t do both)
Can’t toggle most of other switches on the left console for emergency checklists (Avionics Bus Tie, etc.)

Can’t toggle crash lever
Can’t toggle oxygen switches
Can’t toggle fuel select switch (Man/Auto)
Can’t set AP Trims switch
Can’t toggle inertial separator
Can’t toggle emergency ram air
Can’t acknowledge caution and warning alarms without mouse
There are also other check list items like lights test etc. that work with the mouse but no binds

Some of these are a bigger deal than others. If you ever stumble across solutions to these, let me know!

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Neither separator nor bypass appear in the control settings.

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The other one that’s conspicuously missing is CWS. You’d think that would be a no-brainer, but nope. Not even an option. If you can click on the CWS button on the yoke in the cockpit, it works. But come on! Really? No CWS option?

There are a ton of binds missing. You can’t bind half the functions on the g1000.


I don’t think you can bind any of the G1000/3000 functions at all to the best of my knowledge. The ones directly attached to AP like heading bug and altitude you can, but that’s about it.

Another thing that annoys me is that you can pop cockpit panels out to another window / monitor. But you can’t interact with them from there. How nice would it be to have the control section of the TBM’s G3000 on a touch screen / tablet, etc. You can’t even interact with them with a mouse like you can when they’re docked.

I’m really hoping that gets added at some point.


Not sure if others have had success with this, but, I haven’t been able to bind the ND range and mode on the airliners.

Ho did you map the starter toggle? None of the options containing the word “starter” appears to work.

I know you want the binding for procedural reasons, but it’s a shame that the inertial separator has no discernable effect on engine performance.

In the TBM it does affect ITT, but that’s about it. Not very realistic but it does something. I see no effect on the other turboprops.

I’m using TOGGLE_STARTER1 for the Caravan. I use FSUIPC for mapping buttons to Simconnect.