iniBuilds A400M Atlas: no Cold & Dark


Description of the issue:
A400M cannot be started from cold and dark.
Batteries are on when i enter the cockpit.
In the EFB: Selecting Cold and Dark does not turn off the batteries.

It’s the same bug that was reported in the SU1 beta:

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
iniBuilds A400M Atlas

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Every time i load the airplane no matter where


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Load the aircraft at any airfield
  2. Enter the cockpit


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
RTX 4080

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?




If you have this bug please don’t forget to leave a vote and please check if you have other reported bugs with this airplane and vote them up.

Topics tagged airbus-a400m-atlas


Here is a link to the corresponding topic in the official iniBuilds forum.

no Cold & Dark - Systems - iniBuilds Forum

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Confimed, I’m having this too.


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• X box series x

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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Since the this is happining. either if use the EFB, all other knobs turn unusefull.

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Same here. Batteries seem to be “on” state when starting cold/dark, therefore all panels etc. are already starting/running

I can also concur on this. And to add, Selecting cold & dark from the inibuilds EFB onboard also puts it in this battery powered state.


Thank you for the bug report.

We have created an internal ticket to see if our team already has this logged, and if not they will attempt to reproduce the issue and create a new bug report. This item is now marked as feedback-logged. If there is an existing bug report or one is created, we will move this thread to bug-logged.

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Hey, thank you very much.

Could you perhaps tell me what exactly is needed or what is crucial for a bug to be added to the internal system?
So why exactly this bug here and not the 4 others that i still have open for the A400M? All these bugs are documented by me with pictures and were confirmed by people via vote.