I grew up there, and flew out of that airport many, many times.
I’m not much of an airport guy, but I might grab this one for nostalgia’s sake.
Price is a bit steep…
No kidding. I really need to think about this one…
Holy crap, I like ini’s stuff but that price, man …
Very nice airport love it ! Thanks for the gift ini …
Me too, although we moved away when I was 12. I still remember using Concourse E though. It’s a shame it’s slated for destruction. I also like seeing the tankers at the ANG ramp. My friend’s dad was a tanker pilot for the WI ANG.
Nice job iniBuilds. No performance hits.
Remember this?
I had to look because I thought the price was going to be insane… lol
For those who don’t want to look, it is insane. Its FREE. I’ll be replacing the flightsim.to version of KMKE with this one right now.
It’s a great airport for free but I think being honest you can tell it’s not one of their payware offerings. The modelling is to the same standard but it doesn’t have the same scope as their paid stuff (less terminal interior/landside modelling, more default satellite imagery left in).
But it’s fantastic that Ini recognises the community’s support by releasing the odd freebie here and there.
In the past, each free offering has been followed almost immediately by some sort of related product but it seems this is a standalone.
It honestly might be better than their normal sceneries for sale. I own many of their other sceneries and they are the only dev I consistently have FPS / stutters with. And I have a good system, with many of their ‘optional’ features turned off, which helps quite a bit. KMKE is good because its 1. Free 2. not as detailed but still is very detailed and looks better than anything out there now 3. has no performance issues. Possibly because it’s ‘less detailed’. But thats fine in my book. Id actually pay for INI sceneries more if they’d have this kind of performance. I usually avoid them unless they’re the only option.
The only ones of Ini’s I’ve struggled with are KJFK and OMDB, but I do have a high-end PC. Different story on Xbox, with KSAT being quite problematic. The others are/were all fine, even on Xbox.
I agree about performance, though — it’s excellent, even with lots of FSLTL traffic.