Installing Custom Liveries MSFS 2020

I’m sure it’s been posted before, but I’m just going to put out a tutorial on how to install 3rd party liveries for MSFS 2020 PC versions. I’d just like to add that not everyone who plays Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is much more then a basic computer user and really has no idea how to do these kind of things. So just liek anyone else they would like to be able to enjoy the nifty 3rd party liveries if only someone would show them how without judging them. I hope this is helpful to someone.

Click the link to watch the tutorial video Video tutorial how to install 3rd party (custom) liveries.

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Hello! I’ve tried everything but seems doesn’t work for me. FS doesn’t see my custom Liverues I’ve downloaded. So pitty I cannot find solution anywhere( Do you know may be FS Updated their rules? How can I install it may be other way?