Installing „Longitude Special Livery Pack 01“ (2PILOT) not working

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Brief description of the issue:

Installing “Longitude Special Livery Bundle” not working. It shows “Pending”, but nothing happens. I installed everything else over the last few days on my new PC. Also there is something weird going on with the bundle/pack.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Trying to install “Longitude Special Livery Bundle” in Content Manager. However the bundle only contains a single pack, “Longitude Special Livery Pack 01”. Since the receipt emails from MSFS Marketplace do not contain information about what was bought, I cannot tell if I bought a PACK or a BUNDLE. Apparently I was able to install the purchase on Xbox, when I bought it, I do not know when, but it does not work now on PC. I do not know if the “Bundle” was added later, but anyway there does not seem to be a “Pack 02” in the Marketplace.

Sometimes there seem to problems with how packages/bundles and their parts are configured for Marketplace, especially if addons become part of bundles later.

Anyway, thank you!

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

SU14 installation on up-to-date Windows 11

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Thank you!

I was able to install the „pack“ by selecting it directly.

Addon „Longitude Special Livery Bundle“ (bundle) by 2PILOT containing „Longitude Special Livery Pack 01“ (pack). The bundle seems to contain just that single item at the moment.

Just to check I then removed the pack again and tried to install the „bundle“. That did not work and when canceling the download, the content manager did not stop showing the download bar. Nothing was downloaded. I then could neither „install“ the pack or „cancel“ the download anymore. So something is off and it „feels“ like a bug, at least in the configuration of the addon in the Marketplace, and not a „support issue“.

Thank you! It is not a critical issue, since there seems to be a workaround.

1 Like

I was having the same issue as RimcaHiwao and my solution was to go into the marketplace and search for Longitude. Go directly into the mod from the marketplace and use the download button there - it started the download successfully and fully installed it. No more stuck download.

In addition to second livery pack having vanished first livery pack contains less liveries than advertised (10 instead of 15). Anyway the liveries from 2pilot/RMStudios and 4Simmers are always a partial copy of each other. Duplicates always exist in their packs having exactly the same errors, so duplicated liveries are most likely a clone. I have some of those packs which I purchased when they had big discounts and it´s always the same history. So most likely you have not lost any content at the end and you will find it on any other pack :rofl:
