Solving a BSOD of the is nature is going to involve pinpointing exactly which driver in the system is failing to handle an exception: because the stop code is SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED.
This isn’t a typical BSOD that can occur because of system issues like temperatures.
Some kernel mode driver in the system is not playing nice with the windows OS.
I would look really closely at which drivers are installed and in use. Remove devices that aren’t essential (like your phone might be plugged in to charge it, but it appears as a USB storage device to the OS, and if the USB driver is bugged , that is one way a BSOD might come about.
Unplugging un-necessary devices and rebooting should make drivers related to unnecessary hardware not load, and therefore narrow the possibilities.
Assuming the issue persists after doing that… look closely at drivers installed in support of your specific motherboard. If the motherboard is aged, I tend to allow windows update to replace drivers as it likes, but if the system develops specific issues like this thread, I will re-install whatever drivers were for that motherboard.
That would include usb driver, shipset, possibly storage, audio, etc.
Then there is the GPU driver – I would use DDU in safe mode to remove and then reinstall the latest. I’ve seen that fix many weird problems over the years.
Also, if there is RGB lighting, and corsair’s software is installed to control RGB lighting – that tends to be an area where instability is introduced.
If you still come up dry, I’d look at the files in c:\windows|system32\drivers and the file dates on the .sys files. The ones that are very old is where I would focus. Figure out what hardware they are – or were associated with, see if there are newer versions.
But, that said, don’t just download new .sys driver files from sites that offer that – because that is very unsafe. Look for packaged drivers from the device manufacturer.