Instrument Approach Procedures not present in avionics - G5000

UPDATE - Deleting the Navigraph content from my community folder and doing a fresh Navigraph install using the 2024 option in the Navigraph Hub has fixed this issue. Thanks for everyone’s suggestions.

I have flown the Cessna Longitude and the Cirrus SF50 with the G5000 and GTN interface in each plane and cannot access/load instrument approach procedures in the avionics. The only procedures listed are for visual approaches. Perhaps I’m missing something simple or obvious.


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Err. Where?

Good question. Central and North Florida, JAX, SFB, MCO, VRB. There are so many “quirks” I am finding in the sim right now. Its hard to know if its a setting issue or a bug.

same for all avionics
inside the sim…but Ive also noticed that the airplane icon in the g1000 and g3000 is not there I think that means that they’re not on line

If you are seeing no navdata (basically nothing but airports, no approaches, procedures) in any stock avionics or in the EFB, then it is likely you copied your Navigraph navdata folder into your Community without a proper install.

Just copying the Navigraph folder without installing it using their installer will not modify additional files outside of Community that are required to make the navdata work, and will leave the sim with no navdata at all.

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Any approach in the web planner should be in the avionics so I’d say it’s a bug. We can see ILS approaches in the web version.

The avionics doesn’t show any of the VFR waypoints from Navigraph either. And it should. Navigraph are currently looking into this issue for me.

Navigraph’s site shows what FS 2024 features work and not everything is there yet. They are all still beta for 2024.

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Thank you for this response. It is possible this is what happened and I will relook at my Navigraph installation for 2024.

Thank you for responding and for this added information.