I’m having trouble loading a simbrief plan into the fbw a320 MCDU. I can create my plan in simbrief and then load it into the flypad just fine. I also input my simbrief ID into the MCDU. When I follow the instructions to request data from simbrief, I can also see my departure and arrival airports:
However, when I then try INIT Request in INIT A, it says “not in database”:
The FBW tutorial for flight planning mentions that out of date AIRACs may result in “not in database” errors. The default simbrief AIRAC is 2003, which is in fact out of date. Searches online seem to turn up results indicating that only Navigraph subscribers can access up to date AIRAC info on simbrief.
Basic question: Can I import a simbrief plan into the fbw a320 without a Navigraph subscription? Am I missing something really simple here?
I regularly used Simbrief before I got a paid Navigraph account. I never had that import error. There were of course occasional issues with out of date departures and arrival procedures, but that didn’t prevent an import and I would still get reasonably close most of the time
I use simbrief with fbw all the time without navigraph subscription as it is overvalued for me.
I’ve never had any errors, but I usually do several steps to check and adopt fp from simbrief.
I compare simbrief proposed fp with an application called “vroute”. The application is freeware and its flight plans are based on current airac
If the flightplans from simbrief and vroute are different, I take the one from vroute and try validate it in simbrief
If the validation fails, I leeve fp field empty in simbrief. In such a case, it is necessary to input fp from vroute into MCDU manually
And last advise, never leeve sid and star descriptors in simbrief fp.
My procedure is a little bit more complicated, sometimes I check simbrief plans with LittleNavMap and charts (aip charts or taken from chartfox vatsim service).
It turns out that LFTH is not MSFS, but since I did everything via simbrief, I wasn’t able to see this. Chose a new airport today (Mykonos/LGMK) and everything worked smoothly.
Indeed LFTH is not in FS2020, however you can download on flightsim.to, the beautiful scene of LFTH and install it in FS. Your flight plan will be recognized in the DATA BASE.