Interview with Jorg\Seb on MSFS2024

Yeah, that could be amazing.

I always go back to Forza, especially Forza Horizon, because it is another Xbox Studios produced, massively online multiplayer vehicle sandbox. You can build a career as a car skin painter, or in the auction house, you can focus on drifting, street racing, track racing, off road racing… etc.

Within the community, there are sub cultures for each of these career paths. Some are ridiculously passionate.

Forza Motorsport (not Horizon) has a more traditional racing career path. You win races, you win money to get better cars and upgrades.

Many, many other racing sims (more sim than Forza’s simcade) have career modes. It is a perfect fit for the genre.

Microsoft Farm Simulator is very much career based (and a weird corner or simulation).

American Truck Simulator and European Truck Simulator (NOT made by Xbox Studios) have something brilliant and I confess, I drove for hundreds more hours because of my career than just for the joy of driving alone. You got to buy your truck and upgrade it. Then you ran a trucking business so if you bought a second truck you could hire a driver, and so on. Soon, you have a fleet of trucks and multiple branches across the continent. And all the while, you keep driving your truck from A to B.

Train Simulators have their career modes too.

I mean, we have the whole freaking globe, and I really think there is an untapped wealth of casual simmers who just need a bit more motivation to fly in order to become hooked, and turn that corner into becoming a core simmer.

Forza Horizon fills their world with activity, and it is fun, addictive, and gets people playing for dozens or hundreds of hours, but folks can always just turn that all off and cruise from A to B whenever they wish.

I know Forza is more arcade oriented than MSFS, but there are simulation ways to incorporate a vast, living online world full of jobs and activities into a massively online, multiplayer flight sim like MSFS. As it stands, ther world is almost too vast, and it often feels like there should be more to do within it than just flying from A to B and learning new computer and steam systems in airplanes.

The more alive and active they can make the world, the more casuals will want to stick around and really learn how to fly.


I was just giving an example on limitations.

Jorg always talks about “partner sustainability.” They have to be sure that 5 years from now, that partner creation is still viable in the game. Things can’t just stop working from a third party.

All of the flight tracking sites farm their data from “volunteers” who pay money out of their pocket to buy an ADSB receiver, hook it up to their home network, and feed the tracking site. Things happen, like the ADSBExchange debacle, where the guy who started it as an open source, always free, no blocking of data project, scooped it up, and sold it to a company that wanted their own flight tracker. Now many users are upset, and have stopped feeding ADSBExchange, and have switched to the new alternative, that uses the previous open source code. Microsoft will look very closely at any flight data collection site I would think, before using their data in the game.

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Tx. That’s very interesting info that I wasn’t aware of.

Outside the box: what if MS would start selling very reasonably priced beacons themselves that would be visible in MSFS but also on real life radar instrumentation. That would be the first time that a sim would influence real life flying :grinning:. I know, pretty naive maybe… but still…


Honestly, as fast as MFS has progressed, and evolved, and with Jorg’s passion, I wouldn’t rule anything out. This whole re-boot of MFS in 2020, and now the second step being taken in 2024, has been great fun to watch, and participate in warts and all.


Another interview here Fs2024 Video FsElite Interview

It’s up, Marc:


Thanks, read it shortly after posted on the website.

It sounds like a nice improvement for helicopters.

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Not only but yes, lots of great benefits.

One thing people maybe forgot, but MSFS team now have Andrey Solomykin, one of the best aerodynamic engineers out there from L-2 Sturmovik, highly claim very realistic flight model, he was hired about a year ago, important asset for MSFS and Seb as he confirmed on the flight sim expo, he is helping him.