Interview with Jorg\Seb on MSFS2024

Interview with Jorg\Seb on MSFS2024, some new info explained or clarified.


That’s a really good interview with lots of new info. Great questions and gives a good feeling that there’s more to reveal over time. It certainly sounds like it’ll be a year away before release.

And you’ll see over the next year, we’re going to talk more and more about what MSFS 2024 really is.


Great interview!


I assume we are going to see a few interviews pop up over this coming week.
I know HeliSimmer did one too, they will post in the next few days

This heavily suggests ATC improvements are coming in 2024.

Jorg: “Maybe. Maybe so. We only talked about a fraction of what we are making. But, you know, to some degree this is going to be the fun we’ll have over the next year, talking about all the other things we haven’t talked about. We heard everybody and we’re paying a lot of attention to the people and what they want. There’s lots of positive news coming.”

Is this somewhere on youtube? Couldn’t find it. Msfs addons has the most criminal cookie wall out there… :anguished:

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Tx. But this is not the vid from msfsaddons, it’s the generic keynote, which I viewed, of course :wink:

Hope you’re right!
ATC improvements would top scenery improvements to me.
I don’t see much scenery in severe IFR conditions anyway.

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W8 now, haha, you are sharing the exact same link as in the top post :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This is a written interview, they don’t seem to have a YB channel.

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When reading the interview the “career” mode seems to be much more than simple missions? I’m often use 3rd party addons for career stuff. And it creates imersion for me. Even that i were sceptical for that approach i feel if done right it could be a really good addition for the sim experience. Maybe i’m the only one that think like this. Maybe i’m just a casual user then. But i have really liked flight simulators ever since i got my first “FS 2002”


I am probably in a minority here. But I have heard it all before with the marketing announcements and videos of MSFS2020. The videos were not what we actually got with MSFS2020. And there are still huge bugs with MSFS2020 3 years after release. I’m not going to swallow all the marketing and promises of MSFS2024. I hope it’s a great sim. I really do. But with MS/Asobo’s track record I will not hold my breath. And there is the fact that MS will need to work on their servers if MSFS2024 will be the next best thing since sliced bread.


Yeah, then this further down:

“For example, I’m fascinated by what happens once the plane lands at the airport. We have FlightAware to track it all the way until it hits the ground. Once it hits the ground, we actually kind of don’t know. There’s no data shared about ground traffic at every airport. Which gate is it going to go to? We don’t know. So that is something where we might increase the input we get from individual airports, at least the major ones, to make that be more accurate.”

Seems strange as I thought all aircraft showed up if they’re transponder is on, I can follow an aircraft back to the gate. Still, great to see they are actively looking at AI and ATC. BeyondATC is also one to watch in terms of what’s possible by a 3rd party.

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Yeah, but if you have ever used flight radar 24 (for example), as soon as the aircraft goes below ~1000ft, the accuracy of the position and other data drops drastically and it starts to glitch. This is most likely due to it being transponder data. These are data designed to be tranfered sky-to-ground, vice versa. Therefore, the data gets blocked/obscured from buildings/trees etc., below a certain altitude and therefore flight radar 24 cannot relay this info.

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Something would be needed to fill in the holes. Like Frame Generation but for AI movement. :+1:

Yeah, a career mode is all but 100% confirmed now.

I am all for it!

Flying from point A to point B is fun and all… and 2024 will still have that option.


Having a REASON to fly from A to B and a REWARD at the end of it makes a fantastic gameplay loop.

If I were Xbox Studios looking at numbers, I would think something like this:

“We sold around 3 million copies of MSFS (which is good) and have at least 12 million individual players (which is excellent news for Game Pass). That is enough individuals to constitute funding a sequel. But how do we entice casuals to fly more than just over their house once?

Only around 3 million of these 12 million are core simmers who invest tens or hundreds of hours into flight and buy addons and whatnot.

How do we pull more of those 9 million casuals into the core simmers?

Offer them careers and a reason to fly, a reward for flying, and turn the whole world into their career sandbox.”

It is really worth noting MSFS (2020) likely had more people on Xbox and Game Pass play it than PC gamers who purchased it… but there is a higher percentage of PC gamers who are core simmers.

Casuals ARE our player base and they supplement and help fund the core simmers’ flight sim hobby.

If we find a way to improve gameplay and give casuals a reason to fly WITHOUT betraying the core sim and a core simmer’s desire to learn new planes and fly from A to B, 2024 could be an even bigger success than 2020, even WITHOUT increasing the total number of players. Just get some of those remaining 9 million casuals to stick around longer, maybe buy some planes and airports. You know?

By every metric they have shared with the public, it looks like more people have played MSFS on Xbox than PC, and THEY are all potentially core simmers if we get them hooked.


What about adsb? Wouldn’t that work better? Adsbexchange shows more flight info than fr24 I think.

When i think about it. This could really be a roleplay platform for aviation. For example let us drive the pushback truck for other sim pilots. Or when i checked that trailer when they showed the parachute jumpers made me think why not transport other users that wants to jump. Or for those who wants to control the traffic choose the role of ATC-controller. Their is so many things to do to make the sim feel alive and more fun and realistic at the same time. All of those roles should have some kind of rules though to make it feel realistic and easy to learn how it works IRL. I feel the multiplayer environment could be used for so much more.