Air Manager is probably your best bet for that. There are hundreds of instruments, switches, etc available for it. It’s a payware app though. Not cheap by any means, but worth every penny IMHO.
There are a couple of caveats:
Don’t buy the iPad version. Get the desktop version that will allow you to download and install custom instruments.
You will need a program like SpaceDesk or Duet that allows you to use your iPads as wireless touch monitors. You can then display your Air Manager panels on those screens.
If you plan on using instruments that use popout screens from the sim (GNS 530/430, G1000, etc), I strongly recommend using Popout Panel Manager (free) to manage the popout of instruments and placement.
If you use touch-based instruments like the G3X, G3000/5000 or GTN750, you’ll have to enable touch support for the specific popout windows in Popout Manager, as there’s no native touch support in MSFS.
There are no apps that will do GPS screens natively.
That’s what Popout Panel Manager is for. You have to manually pop them out and place and size them the first time. Annoying for sure. But once you’ve done it once, POPM will automatically pop them out and place them for you.
I second Air Manager. I used to have a iPad mounted in the radio stack position, and toggle between a radio stack and ForeFlight. A shame the pic is cropped, but you get the idea. A quick double click of the home key, and I’d have all my nav/com, transponder, etc, ready to go.
For the instruments, I also used Air Manager and a 17” USB monitor. Super low resource requirements.
The bezels were styrofoam cups, cut off and painted black.
I have older iPads with ios 9.3.5 and itunes says Spacedesk and AirManager are not compatable. Do you know if there is any way to use these older ipads with MSFS 2024?