Ireland West Knock Development (cancelled)

Hi all,

Iv spend about two days redeveloping Ireland West Knock or Connacht given your preference. This is my first time developing anything within MSFS or any game for that matter so the SDK is really that useful.

Within the SDK kit iv fixed a number of issues like the lack of a hill the airport is on especially on approach to runway 26, also removed the awful autogen building at the end of the runway.

The stock terminal created for the flight sim resembled nothing of the real airport so iv quickly put together something more like to, this will do the job for now but hoping to model something soon.

Also I remade the whole runway as the turning points on both sides of the runways had approach lights blocking the turn around circle, also as a slight touch I added the approach light catwalk at the start of 26.

I will release this if anyone is interested really soon :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for contributing !! Really nice project. Ireland needed some attention. I was thinking about doing Cork airport, it really needs improvements.

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Ireland other than Donegal has been neglected, Shannon as a great example has no parking spots. Id love to see what you do with cork, please keep me posted here hoping to get Ireland a whole overhaul :smiley:

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will this be released anytime soon love flying into here :slight_smile:


That looks like fantastic work, the default airport is so borked. Nothing like real life at all.

Any chance you’d release this?

I all sorry for no replies been super busy with college so here’s the version from the video I haven’t tweaked it at all so please note there could be issues, I hope to update it when I can.

To install extract the file and place all the fixes in the community folder - EIKN.rar - Google Drive


I all sorry for no replies been super busy with college so here’s the version from the video I haven’t tweaked it at all so please note there could be issues, I hope to update it when I can.

To install extract the file and place all the fixes in the community folder - EIKN.rar - Google Drive


Thanks so much, really appreciate that! All the best with college.

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So with world update 3 it added back those buildings at the start of the runway so here’s a hot fix -

just add the file to the community folder alongside the rest of the files and you should be up and running lads.

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Thanks a mil!

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I also began modeling the main terminal within the last two hours, so if this is rough please forgive me. Iv also never done modeling or texturing so this might take awhile :confused:


More progress made this morning


Thanks for Knock Airport, excellent work!

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Many thanks. Keep up the good work. New terminal would be good but just getting rid of that building at the end of the runway is a major boost.

Just wondering if you got to finish this?

Lad could you please send us a new version of it working? Knock is my local airport and now with the PMDG 737 I really want a good EIKN

Hi, sorry for the delay iv been very busy hoping to get this project up and running again, the temp version of knock should work if you remove it from ur sim and start it and then add the files back to the community folder

So I need to delete the mod? Launch the game then install it and then spawn in EIKN?

Should do the trick yes, after some update EIKN didn’t work for me but removing it starting the sim and adding it back worked the treat.

Not sure why sim updates brake things like this.

Tried it but it did not work sadly