IRIS Simulations Pilatus PC-21 Release Build

I find it to be very “pitchy” like so many other MSFS military aircraft. It’s absurdly sensitive right around the stick center. I’ve tried everything in the control settings to tune this out. Sensitivity, dead zone, curves, etc. to no avail. Any suggestions are appreciated.

What controller are you using?

Some real aircraft you do actually fly with almost fingertip pressure as opposed to grabbing the stick firmly and moving it.

No idea about the real PC-21. But as a work around for now, try flying with just thumb and forefinger using minimal pressure.

I fly an RV8 in real life, they don’t get much lighter on the controls than that. As speed increases in anything you fly, your longitudinal stability tends to increase, not decrease as in MSFS. This thing flies as if you are out of the AFT CG limit. (I wasn’t).


Brunner CLS-P FFB

Currently working on an RAF Texan II style paint for the PC-21…


Just installed PC-21 and am pleasantly surprised. Quick question for others who have the aircraft: I fly in VR exclusively and when I load the PC-21 and am seated in the front seat, there is an animated pilot sitting in the seat. While this is a nice touch, certainly for the external views, the animation interferes with my own head movements in VR–basically, the animated pilot textures bleed into my vision. Turning off pilot on the MFD has no effect.

Thanks in advance.

Resolved. You must enter 0 for pilots weight in the MSFS load manager tab. The aircraft will then spawn with no pilots in either seat. You can manage each seat by using the MFD functions (solo/team).



For the sake of not having to disorient yourself while in VR by switching to the other seat to turn on the rear oxygen and pull the rear seat pin, be sure to use the right CFD’s “Inst” page, then click “Next” and enable OXY/PINS INHIBIT. You might have already known this, but just in case!

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Just bought this as I wanted something completely different to my usual sightseeing planes.
I think it looks gorgeous and I had a whale of a time flying through the English Lake District, skimming over the lakes and fells.
I thought I’d come to a very abrupt halt on my landing and looking outside the aircraft revealed why…
I’ve only flown a 152, 172 and 208 before.

Anyway, really enjoyed it and look forward to learning to fly it properly.

There is a reason you include “gear down” checks on every approach in real life, even when flying a c152.


Haha, been there for sure, it’s during that last little bit when you say to yourself “so how low does this thing go” then the prop stops and no need for brakes. :joy:


parking brake too…

Forgive my ignorance, but there’s a few references to an airbrake in the manual, but I can’t locate it, despite crawling over the cockpit with the tooltips on. I don’t see anything in the control options for mapping to a button either. I’ve watched a couple of videos that mention it, but it’s never shown where it is.

It’s the Spoiler Toggle control


That’s got it, thank you.

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Any way to shut the HUD off completely? It’s useless in VR at night. Can’t seem to find a switch or dial.

Ok i had it on the spoiler axis and it did not work. Will try the toggle.

Yes the button is by you right leg. Three position button. Select the middle position to turn the HUD off.

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After watching a few vids using it, I thought I’d give this aircraft a go. It’d be a really nice experience but for a couple of things -

  • The aircraft does not feel like it has any mass, other than when you’re trying to slow down - it responds to stick input instantly, it responds to lack of stick input instantly, and it responds to turbulence instantly, there’s no feeling of rotating masses. This is something I’ve found a lot of smaller MSFS aircraft are like, so it’s not alone by any means. There are however some which do have a good feel of inertia / momentum, and I would really like to see improvements here. This is the issue that spoils my full enjoyment of it. To be clear I’m not expecting it to fly like an overpowered PA-28, but to have some noticeable angular acceleration/deceleration ( and a little resistance to changing it’s velocity vector ).

  • It’s not actually a prop plane, is it? there’s no torque effects, no p-factor, and when I got it into a violent flat spin then there was no propwash to help the tail out. I can live without this I guess, given it’s a turboprop and not a 50 litre piston engine, but it’d be nice ( although I guess it has compensation systems to even out torque/p-factor issues ).

  • The cockpit is extremely clean, and I think the textures need some PBR work to get a better feeling of the materials, and a little wear / ingrained dirt to give them some depth.

I want to like it, it’s mostly good - I do love flying mil trainers in this sim, they’re high-speed GA aircraft which is an excuse for VFR work you have to pay constant attention to - but the lack of inertia is really killing it at the moment. I was flying at illegally low levels earlier ( pull up for trees, etc ) & didn’t feel the need to think ahead of the aircraft at all, I could just react.