Is 3000 flight hours the maximum number per profile?

I just completed a flight that put my accumulated hours over 3000 hours. This is what I see now:

Is this all there is??? I will continue to add/accumulate hours, but I’m just curious…

My logbook appears “normal”.

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Have seen the exact same phenomenon…
No idea what’s up… will accumulate a few more hours and see if this changes… could be another bug in the system…

What are the greyed out squares for. I always thought you would get a special badge for aquiring high flight hours. This seems another case of asobo not realizing how serious some sim pilots are.

No idea what caused it but my flying hours were stuck at 200 hrs for a long time.
Out of the blue it started counting again…
Glad it doesn’t influence skills and career, like IRL.
I’ve read some where that this bug was caused by the max logbook file size.

Same here, hasn’t changed since I hit 3000. Near 5000 now and I don’t expect it will change then, either. Wasn’t really interested in levels and achievements anyway.

You do get badges, but you have to go into your profile and add them in. There are only 4 slots but you can earn lots of badges so it doesn’t add them in automatically.


Ohhh I thought that was another bug! How do you add them?

It’s in your profile somewhere, not sure off top of my head but in the achievement area I believe, there’s a second tab you just click on them.


I had a PC that burned out last year, but prior to that happening my logbook was stuck at around 3335 hours. Each new flight i did would replace the last previous flight

Good to see replies with similar symptoms.

Also good to see that I’m not alone in this.

Just a quick update, I have brought this back to the Community Managers and they are investigating to see if this is known.

I’ve also moved this over to the Bug Reporting section.


Oh, okay.

Thank you.

[UPDATE] I just completed a ~10 hour flight and the tally just below my User Name updated properly, but the Next Level still indicates “-1HRS”.

Also, (and I doubt it’s related, but…) ever since the Dune ‘Junk’ was foisted upon me, my simulator ALWAYS opens in a window. I ALWAYS fly full screen and close out the sim each time from full screen. Not the end of the world, but annoying as hell.

FYI, this is fixed in SU15 build, as noted in the March 21ST, 2024 – Development Update. Those on the current (non-SU15) build will get the update when SU15 is released.