Is AI Offline Traffic working at all?

I generally like to fly GA aircraft out of small to medium sized airfields. However configuring MSFS to add some AI aircraft to give a bit of life to the sim doesn’t have the expected effect. I have Offline AI Traffic set to 75% which is as much as my PC can manage without reducing my framerate to about 20fps, but what I see in game isn’t usually other planes flying around and moving about the airfield.

Instead on the airfield itself what I usually see is that of the half dozen or so planes at the airifield one of them wil have its engine running and a ground handler nearby as if it is preparing to depart, however it will usually be canted over 90 degrees with its wing embedded in the ground, or inverted on its roof and slowly spinning around.

I’ll occasionally hear ATC give landing clearance to another aircraft, and if I wait long enough I’ll see a set of mavigation lights appear on final approach, but with no plane model attached. The lights will then slowly descend down to the runway and disappear the moment they hit the runway.

In a week or so of having AI Offline Traffic enabled I have once seen a plane actually land and then taxi to a parking spot.

So my question is, am I missing a configuration setting that might have screwed up my AI Offline Traffic, or is it really still this broken after two and a half years?

If it is just this broken are there any decent addons that create anything like realistic GA traffic? I’ve looked around but most of the addons seem to be heavily airline focused.

Some notes about this - as my experience is similar. I fly GA at small airports exclusively.

The issue of rotating planes seems to either be add-on specific and/or resolved since I haven’t seen that in a while (a few weeks).

Traffic taking off or landing is also a hit-or-miss experience. Today I bumped my AI Offline traffic up to 70 just so I could see something in the air around me. Unfortunately the one aircraft I did see showed up buzzing the airport at 200 feet and around 200 kts - and all of their radio calls were about 1 minute LATE.

For example, their initial contact was at 1 mile out while I was on downwind. Scared the hell out of me. I had announced intentions at 8 miles out, then called downwind when I heard that. I continued to base and final. I landed fine and waited and saw the Diamond landing - they were at 100 feet on short final when the call came in for their approach. They touched down and THEN the call for final was heard. Frustrating since I’m trying to learn protocol and how to deal with traffic at un-towered airports. This doesn’t seem to be the way to do it!

I think in this case, “lag” may be an issue - e.g. the game inserted a delay while the voice processing was catching up.

Ultimately I see similar issues but can say that some traffic is landing on occasion - the protocol and timing is just way off AND the low altitudes that AI uses is still an ongoing problem.