Is anyone using 2 monitors?

I currently have a 4K monitor (28inch) and now have a spare 1440p monitor (27 inch) beside it.

What would be the best way to have a 2 monitor setup in the sim?

I have tried using the 2nd monitor for some instruments. But I find it easier looking at one screen where everything is located instead of constantly have to look at another monitor.

Is it best to use the 2nd monitor for charts or something else?

Personally I use my second monitor for Simbrief,Navigraph littlenavmap, or anouther 3rd party application such as pushback pilot2atc pf3, or simply looking at youtube if cruising on long haul.


And don’t forget to read the flight manuals and checklist for reference on the second screen :wink:


I must admit that only having one screen is sometimes a pain when wanting to look at charts etc. Although I think an iPad would be better for charts as it takes up a lot less space on the desk.

I think everyone should have at least two, even if the second is a tiny, cheap 1080p version. Those can be had for about the same price as the premium version of the sim, and it’s a good idea for all the reasons mentioned above. But to use it to extend your game onto, I wouldn’t do that unless you had at least 2, if not 3 monitors with the same size and resolution.


Or if you fly VR like me just ignore the monitor(s) at all :slight_smile:

There is 0 chance that I will ever use a monitor to fly again after discovering VR.

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I have three (though currently using two). My second monitor has AWC, VATSpy, SimBrief OFP, charts, checklists, manuals, vPilot, ect, ect. I can’t imagine playing flight sims with just one monitor. I also do use an iPad which is super helpful.


Yup. I have 5 monitors altogether.

My main centre monitor is a 34" ultra-wide for the sim. To the right is a 4K 27", and to the left, an ancient 24" 1920x1200. On those side monitors, I place my ATC panel, charts, maps, vpilot, vatsim map, etc.

Then I have a pair or 15.6" touch screens mounted on top of my yoke and throttle. They run Air Manager for display of my flight instruments, various indicators (depending on the plane I’m flying) and control of my radios and various other inputs

If you had the same resolution monitors you could run nvidia surround to make the monitors run as one and get a bigger FOV in the sim. I do that with my 3 2k resolution monitors every now and then. It works ok but not as good as a proper rendering from the sim. With that said, the second monitor in your case is probably best used with some sort of moving map software as others said.

The Air Manager you use sounds interesting. Do you know if you can run this on an iPad?

I’m thinking of having a moving map. Would it be best to use the map in the sim for this?

There’s a tablet version that will run instruments. It’s available for both iOS and Android. But if you go that route, you can’t pop out your glass instruments and send them to the tablet. Air Manager only provides the bezels for things like the G1000 and not the screen. You have to pop out your screens for that. Gauges, switches, etc will work with the iPad version, however.

If you were to go that route, I’d recommend using SpaceDesk (free) or Duet (paid) on the iPad to make it a wireless monitor for your computer, and get Air Manager for PC. Then if you wanted to use your iPad as a PFD for a G1000, you could sent the Air Manager bezel to the iPad and then drag / resize your PFD pop-out from the sim to fit it. Prior to getting my touch monitors, I used to do this with both an Android and an iPad.

I’ll just refer to my post here:

3 monitors, chopped into 9 screens… plus VR.


ALL those things!

I use a portable Asus ZenScreen which I use for all my secondary apps like Pilot 2ATC, Little Navmap, Sky Vector, Discord, etc. It really comes in handy.

I can change it’s position easily and it runs entirely off the USB cable. I highly suggest it if you don’t want a full secondary monitor setup.

I remember being a kid in the days of the first MSFS versions being jealous of other kid’s dad’s with a joystick on their DOS computers. Now I am grown adult jealous of your setup. ■■■■…

I use 3 monitors. Could ‘live’ with only two but got used to the third.
Left i have webbrowsers with tools, musicplayer and Popped out sim instruments. Center is ofc the main sim screen. Right i have the luxury of having LittleNavmap in full screen.

Important to place screens close together with no gap between. This way you do not really feel you are taking your eyes from one screen to look at another.

Obviously not PF3 and pilot2atc.
Only one of those

I suggest LittleNavmap for the ‘moving map’, but remember LittleNavmap is MUCH more than that. It has airport info, ILS, STARs, SIDs, logbook and much more.

If you want googlemap projected in LittleNavmap then use this nifty old map set.

Google maps for LittleNavmap

And yes… I like LittleNavmap a lot. :slight_smile:

Happy landings


Interestingly I had the opposite experience – VR is really cool as a demo but it’s far too limiting because I can’t easily use external tools (ipad with ForeFlight, second monitor with chat, manuals, etc) or see my physical controls: yoke, throttle, switches, keyboard and mouse. Also it’s much harder to take and share screen shots and videos (though it is possible).

I’ll probably try VR again every once in a while, but I think it’s not for me. Two monitors, with the sim on the biggest one, is where it’s at! :slight_smile:

I fly mostly VFR in GA planes, and ForeFlight is a very handy tool which I would use in real life if I ever manage to get my license. :slight_smile:

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