Is Asobo aware that there is pretty much no turbulence in live weather Clouds?

I know there have been several topics regarding the turbulence, physics, extreme weather, etc. but I haven’t seen Asobo acknowledging that there is currently very little to no turbulence in live weather clouds! This is most likely due to the fact that the generated live weather clouds do not have enough density or Asobo hasn’t found how to address this! It would be good to know if Asobo is planning to address this issue and when! SU12 should have addressed this issue but it didn’t! It is a very important part of a “flight simulator” to get these basics right and I am hoping this issue will be acknowledge and addressed!


I get plenty of turbulence. More so CAT than cloud. But make sure your turbulence is set to realistic in your user experience settings.

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There is a request in the wishlit forum for this, hopefully it will be implemented at some point: Realistic Dangerous Weather - Physics Simulation


Regarding physics and weather, it’ll be in 2024 for sure and probably some lesser version of it in 2020 when it gets done with being developed and added onto their servers.

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I get a lot of turbulence but none of it is related to the clouds! There is none in the cloud! But I do get a lot of updraft/wind turbulence! That’s different! Clouds cause turbulence (because of the air/particle movement within them) and the taller they are the more turbulence they cause! This is not at all modeled in the current Sim! There was some good turbulence in the clouds when the Sim was released but it was gone with SU5! Since then we have been discussing it but it has not been addressed! Not sure if it’s even on their radar! Many people think this Sim is just a game because of these types of unrealistic modeling! Hope Asobo fixes this.


Yes, I know! But since it has not been addressed yet and not even discussed in the recent development updates, I am wondering if Asobo is serious about addressing this issue! Or are they even aware that even after SU12 this issue is not resolved! Not clear to me!

For sure they are aware and it is ranked #34 in the last Dev Update wishlist June 29th, 2023 Development Update - Microsoft Flight Simulator

Since status is “Under Investigation” we have no way to know if it will be implemented one day in FS2020 and/or FS2024.


Well, we do know it’ll be in 2024. They showcased some of it and also said more focus would be on supercells, storms, etc… They did say that somewhat before but by now it’s clear they have more development room in 2024 since they’ll be using a different engine directly from Asobo. Suppose you could call that a native engine?

Well we know they are going to implement storms & hurricane at least visually but we don’t know if they are going to implement turbulence, up/down drafts that are part of them. Also what about turbulence into other cloud types than those meteorological extreme conditions previously mentioned ?. We need to wait for more detailed communications about weather changes they are planning to implement.

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I hope so! We shall see! It’s just sad that a flight simulator doesn’t have this modeled correctly or somewhat correctly, yet!

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I’ll amend your statement with I think it’s disappointing that previous versions of FS that are now 17 and 19 years old had these things working. Regardless of 3rd party help or not. I’m fully convinced it’s just a matter of having turned something off that they’ve never spent the time to go back and investigate or switch back on. Either that or whatever they did with the modeling/data back in SU7 just screwed everything up and the only way to fix it would be to literally go back to before SU7 and remove METAR. But they won’t do that because it would create a storm of its own.

Yeah! Same with AI traffic! Was working perfectly fine in FS2004 and early versions of MSFS 2020! Broken now (after SU10 any AI injector causes significant stutters and planes don’t show up on a return flight and sometimes at a destination!). Different subject but I hope gets serious addressing these rather more basic/important issues for the Sim.

My gripe with AI has more to do with how it’s injected. We can already fix the behavior of landings and stuff like that. But with MSFS, which I’ve tested extensively and provided plenty of examples showing the issues, is that AI only spawn around 30 NM around the user when airborne and if at a major international airport AI only spawn roughly 15 miles on the approach without any surrounding airport or airborne traffic showing up. With FSLTL it’s 80 NM 360* around your aircraft. Not only that but with how the data from FlightAware is used you only get AI showing in the sim after they’re considered active. So with that you end up with spawning AI as they are taxiing, taking off, or after they have landed.

Their added comment about more accurate AI by simply adding in liveries means ZIP. We have all the liveries/models we could want. Now that the FAIB models can be converted into MSFS, we pretty much have global airline coverage that can be used in MSFS. But as long as they use FlightAware as their source, there will always be airport/spawn issues because FlightAware doesn’t deal in airport tracking like FlightRadar 24 does. This example between the two can easily be seen between using MSFS Traffic versus FSLTL. Different data with very different results.

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Topic moved from General Discussion into the “World” subcategory.
“World” is a sub-category meant for simmers to discuss, ask or answer any questions related to scenery (photogrammetry, DEM, TIN); airports; weather; live weather; fauna, land, and sea traffic.

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It’s a matter of priorities as it relates to processing power.
Do you want complex high-fidelity study-level models? Complex scenery? Complex real-time data? Complex weather?

The more complexity you demand, the less performance across the board you will have.
Comparing the low-fidelity world of FSX to MSFS and claiming that latter should have the same feature set as the former is (nothing personal) a fool’s errand.

Yet, the low fidelity world of FS2004 managed to do that while running on PCs with much lower specs.
I managed to cram in the OG PMDG 737 and 747 QOTS1, AI traffic, detailed payware airports, a weather engine, and even 2D photoscenery. Everything ran pretty well on hardware that would be considered embarrassing to have in a smartphone today.

Yes, the more granularity you add, the more computational power required, which can result in performance loss. The best way is for Asobo to allow settings to be cranked right up to 11. If a user wants higher LOD, or draw distance to the horizon, or more objects, or increased complexity in weather, let them move the sliders all the way up on the setting that matters the most to them.

The current ‘Ultra’ on all MSFS settings gives a false sense of maxxing out the sim. We know FSX/ESP can go much higher via config file edits on certain settings than MSFS can.
Of course, that brings its own problems in that some people will rage that their Ryzen 7950X and RTX 4090 can’t run this new ‘Ultra’ on every setting. However, flight simming has always been about finding the right balance of settings that the flight simmer’s hardware and personal preferences can tolerate.


My biggest problem is the amount of stutters any kind of AI plane causes and the fact that they disappear or don’t show up at destination airport or an airport you return to! Even if you fly over an airport for a backtrack VOR/ILS landing, the AI plane positions change or they are all gone when you get back on approach and land! Simconnect issue? Simobject issue? This particular issue started with SU10 and I have created posts about it one of which got a lot of vote but still hasn’t been revised!

Hi all, I am sending a question regarding this for the next Live Stream! Hope Asobo can address this issue (lack of cloud turbulence in live weather clouds).