Is it any wonder we've been getting terrible airliner add-ons?

Currently sitting on 4.8 stars (out of five) on, we have the Antonov AN-225, which is:

  • A copy-paste port from FSX (someone else’s work)
  • Uses the Boeing 747-8 cockpit, only dyed bright turquoise (couldn’t even get the color right)
  • Author shamelessly links you to Salty’s 747 mod

Almost a 5 star rating and 12k downloads for one of the laziest contributions I’ve seen on that site.


sooooo it’s free for other’s to enjoy so stop whining, did you download it ? and no i don’t have it i only use asobo aircraft which i enjoy in my game so bottom line let other’s enjoy what they want.


Yeah if you expect absolute quality, don’t expect it from freeware. If others enjoy it, then who can judge them.
The lack of high quality airline add-ons is simply due to time. The PMDG, FSLabs, or MaddogX level planes had multi-year development times. Making them for MSFS wont make that different.


Its not nice to complain about something that is free. I would not even download this thing and all the other frankenstein-planes, but it seems there are quite a few users that enjoy them. No idea why you think they should not… Im more worried about the low-effort, low-quality payware-releases that appear on the official marketplace that are borderline scams or atleast pure cashgrabs.
But everyone has the choice to buy or download it or not…


hahahahah i like that frankenstein-planes , oh a lot of the payware are the same lol.


For those we had fly for years PMDG, Maddog, Aerosoft Airliners in other simulator platforms is very difficult to enjoy these free or payware frankenstain aircrafts.for MSFS.
I only enjoy A32NX and Aerosoft CRJ series.

While this subject evokes strong opinions, we remind folks in advance to keep responses on point, respectful and non-disruptive. Thank you.


Well the strong opinions should be what you like and not what someone else enjoys.

Just disregard this thread, honestly. :joy:

I’m gonna join Captainsim and make some easy money.


It’s free. It clearly states what it is. The rating is for the plane as presented not the plane you want it to be.

And no, this is not the reason we don’t have a lot of quality airliners yet. The main reason is it simply takes a LOT of time to develop one for a new platform. Some people just aren’t patient enough.


That’s true, but that’s the only AN-225 that’s available right now in either Payware or Freeware. If there is a payware AN-225 by PMDG, that would make a good argument. But I don’t think it’s fair to compare a PMDG quality payware aircraft with a community made free aircraft. I mean, it’s the only one we have right now, so might as well enjoy them while they’re there.

I’m also waiting for the payware A350, but until then, I’m pretty happy with whatever freeware A350 that anyone provides.

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It’s free……

I’ll date myself, but back in the FS4/5 days…this sort of freeware was very common. You couldn’t use custom designed panels for models, you had to use a default panel. So you had everything from 707’s to B-52’s using a Learjet panel or a 747 panel.

Fast forward to today, we have people modifying old models to use in MSFS for entertainment. They decided to share their work in the spirit of freeware.

However, those shady developers who are modifying freeware and selling it as their own work…well we know who they are and they won’t be getting anything from me.


The maker of this model took the time to do the conversion and presented it to us for FREE. Obviously with a 4.8 rating, there are folks out there that are enjoying it. It was not presented as a “study-level” anything and it didn’t cost a penny! So, if you’re not happy with it, delete it and demand a refund…

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Thanx for this ‘unintentional’ link. This doesn’t look bad at all.
I have no idea why you consider the optional link to a mod shameless.

all i can say is you’re new to sims and no nothing about freeware what do cs have to do this by the way? freeware vs payware waiting. maybe you are waiting for a xbox also.

I suspect this thread has run its course and might be best to just close it out.

I hope everyone agrees that it is up to each individual to find what they enjoy in MSFS and surely that is to be encouraged.