Is my internet connection to slow for msfs 2020?

HI Guys,
Welcome to the Internet-Desert of Germany:
But i can see how the scenery load. And the scenery dont load or load very slow. I have a bandwith from 60 mbits down and 10 mbits up.

MY pc is via wifi connected:

regards Legendsy

It’s not too slow, MSFS barely uses 5-10 Mbit. You can check that in the task manager during a flight (CTRL+Shift+ESC).
The issue must be somewhere else. Tried to disconnect and reconnect to Azure / XBox services?

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i tried this but i have the same issue. and i also tried turning on and off the roling cache but i have the same issue unfortunaly.

Maybe it’s antivirus or firewall blocking something? Uninstall non-microsoft AV and firewall if you have those.

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After a complete restart of the msfs 2020 i got the same issue unfortunaly. so i think this issue is server related.

I would also think it’s server related. I have a 100/30 MBit connection and MSFS isn’t using much of the bandwidth.

ok. hopfully they fix this server issue as soon as possible.

My internet speedtest: 80.5mbps download, 94.9 upload and i have this issue too.
The problem is clearly on the side of Microsoft servers. I am using a European server.

The servers are having issues lately. One day it looks like this

The next like this

That was actually on the same day, morning vs afternoon. My bandwidth was 80mbps at the time, but the servers weren’t giving out the map data.

i thin the servers overloaded/overstressed maybe.

Same here in asia from last night

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