In dense Areas i can see how th Photogrammetry and the houses are loading. And so they look like pyramids or soemthing else.
But see in the picture below:
over New york
Internet Speed:
Down: 60Mbit/s
Up: 10 Mbit/s
connected via Wlan
regards Legendsy
Your internet speed should be fine for PG data. WLAN should be able to easily supply way more than that unless y ou have a bad signal.
What are your LOD settings at?
MY LOD settings are at 100. ANd my Wlan signal is a 5 of 5
I would suggest trying to increase your LOD settings to see if that helps at all. It may or may not help. But at least if it doesn’t, you can rule that out as an issue.
Your internet speed exceeds the Ideal Settings for msfs2020.
Unfortunaly i have the same issue with lod 200,300 and 400.
And below my latest internet speed on the msfs pc. i have 60 Mbits at the Router and 15 Mbits Up at The Router.
I would say XP 11 is better for me. because i dont have to stream data there. and my Internet Speed is often between 25 - 40 Mbit/s.
Yes i life in the INternet-Desert of Germany. But luckily later this Year i get Glasfaser with 400Mbit/s down
Her you can see my Problem:
flight was in and around new york city
on my Pc are 43 Mbit/s down and 13 Mbit/s up isnt taht enough for the msfs?
I have an gigabit connection and sometimes the same issues with photogrammetry. I don’t think it’s on the users end. Maybe problems with the Microsoft servers.
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December 13, 2021, 5:03pm
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