Is the moon too small in MSFS 2024?

Here are two shots of the moon behind Himeji Castle. To my mind, the moon appears to be too small. What do folks think?


When close to the horizon I’d say yes, but this is because Asobo don’t appear to increase the moon size based on its position in the sky to take into account the visual illusion we all experience…

For example see this paper:

…“For many centuries, scientists have been puzzled by the common illusion that the rising
moon at the horizon looks considerably larger than it does later, at higher elevations
toward the zenith of the sky. For at least nine centuries they have known that the
angular subtense of the moon’s horizontal (azimuth) diameter always measures about
0.52 degrees at an earthly observation point no matter where the moon is in the sky. In
other words, there is no physical (optical) reason why the horizon moon should look
larger than the zenith moon.”

Same flight, same date/time FS2020 moon is near twice FS2024 moon
So, which one is the correct one ?
Don’t know !

Yes. I prefer 2020. The moon is more cinematic in that version. The “correct” moon is boring.


The moon in 2024 looks like how it appears if you take a photo of it without a zoom lens on your camera, more than how it appears to the naked eye.
I preferred the way it looked in 2020


Hi, everyone,

Yes it’s smaller. Or at least it appears smaller than the moon on MS2020.


Hi, again,

It seems that the sun is much smaller too than on MS2020.


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Yes, both sun and moon should be about .5 degrees angular diameter.
I’m not sure if that’s the actual size they’ve used in MSFS24, which would make them technically correct, but from the viewer’s perspective in the sim they certainly appear much smaller than we perceive them in reality.


Yes, the moon is too small. Very noticeable and should be fixed. Please Asobo?


Very pointless but true fact. The sun is 400 times larger than the moon but also 400 times as far. So from Earth they appear roughly the same size.

Kinda of why total eclipses are so insane looking on earth. We had a complete eclipse in Aug 2017 in Idaho that was awesome.

So In FS2020 and FS2024 the moon and sun need to be roughly the same size as going and checking out past or current eclipses in the sim becomes less cool.

Idaho Aug 21 2017 from Rexburg (KRXE) as one spot I know had a 100% coverage.

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Too small. Please fix it.


For my feeling it is too small indeed. I think FS2020 is too big so something in the middle would be realistic?


Moon is far too small, I already wanted to report this in the feedback section, also the diffuse light is far too bright, was just as wrong in MSFS2020 ! I don’t know who always tests these things or others, but often they are not outside the “box”

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I agree with it looking too small. However, I did some investigating and it does appear to be technically correct.

FoV in the lower left corner is vertical field of view in radians. 1.05 rad is 60 degrees.

The angular size of the moon as viewed from Earth is 0.5 degrees, so the moon should be 1/120th of the screen height.

1440/120 = 12…


Ok, all good then :grinning:

With that, as long as it’s accurate to the scale of the sim, please don’t change it just to account for perception and illusion.


ahem back during 2020 land folks were complaining about the moon being too large :wink:

I’m pleased it was fixed in 2024, though I’m not surprised people are suddenly surprised it’s smaller. :wink:


In astronomy it is well known that people over estimate the size of the moon

It subtends an angle of less than 1 degree, yet paintings of the moon have been larger than life for centuries.

Try Stellarium, a popular feee astronomy app, to get an accurate sky image.

I would expect the FS24 moon rise and set to be accurate, including its size and brightness. Likewise Jupiter.

Star navigation is possible, you can almost fly VFR during a full moon! (without clouds of course)


We definitely need a moon size slider in General Settings! :grin: