It was there yesterday and gone today.
Yes it is gone for me too. Only the 82 Million left for me.
If you already bought it, it’s normal for it to be missing.
Now they’ve increased the price again from 76 to 82 million.
Moved to User Support Hub
It’s not a user support issue. The developers are just trolling the users for some reason. Apparently they didn’t think there was enough animosity in the user base already.
Definately gone for me too. Next cheapest has also gone up in price and that for a sub-standard product is a kick in the teeth. Have you seen the maintenance costs of the ailerons, flaps etc - 21,000,000, half the price of the one they removed. Does it even earn enough to sustain maintenance in the second hand one before you run out of flight control surfaces and connections. It is outrageous. I have seen snippets of the 5th Feb update, I still dont think they give a ■■■■ about the actual planes. This is a flight sim after all and if we cant fly them or get continuously hammered for a runway infraction not of our choosing it makes the experience very sour.