0.4 never worked properly for me. The MFD had a diagnostics page that I could not close for some reason. But it was an interesting look at what was to come in the form of the NXi.
I mean the current 0.4.X that’s available as a placeholder until the NXi comes out.
The old Beta 0.4 that came out late last year was great in some ways, but very lacking in others. There were certain things about it I loved though and were way better. I used it for a while, but ultimately, the 0.3 series was just better overall, more functional, and supported.
What happens when you click the “Display” button on the MFD?
Just blank screen?
Yea, just to support the discussion, I’m running a completely plain sim/aircraft, and I have weather radar (horz/vert) in the MFD.
P.S. Just to make sure we’re all on the same page, start with MFD showing “map” and “dcltr” buttons. Press “map” key, press “weather” key, select “horizon” or “vertical” button, then press “back”, then press “display”. Weather radar is shown. Adjust wx radar range with “range” knob.
Im not running any mods either thats the default stock radar screen I have. I have to admit over the year it has been hit or miss as if it works for me, sometimes showing the weather, but no sweeping of the screen, other times the screen shows and I have the sweep, and before su4 nothing at all.
It didnt start working reliably until I fixed my network issue. Now it works all the time.
I’m pretty consistently getting the sweep display now. And since the change a while back, I’m only getting radar returns when there’s actual precipitation, not just cloud cover.
This would have more than doubled the cost of the base sim. At the risk of starting another “study level” fight, I need to remind you that the default aircraft were never intended to be fully functioning, fully modelled 3rd party payware level aircraft.
Eventually those with the expertise will have our marketplace full of $100 aircraft that can and will replace the default ‘interim’ aircraft.
It is amazing how many radar capable default aircraft actually have working radar.
You said to me, and I quote: I need to remind you ! Really ?
So you are reminding me that the “Default Aircraft” were never intended to be fully functioning, and are suggesting that I wait until I find a $100 aircraft in the marketplace that is fully functional.
I didn’t realize that you were part of the financial and development team, gee, I should have asked you first.
Well, you will know for next time.
The weather screens are there, they just don’t display the weather. I’ve tested it with several storms.
Those are the steps that I follow. Weather is just not displayed!
This might be the issue. I know in real life this happens, is there any word from MS that this is the case in game?
If you’re talking about there having to be precipitation, yes, it was changed in an earlier release (it’s been a while so I don’t remember which update it was), but it definitely requires actual precip, not just clouds.
A few years from now some third party developer will likely be brave enough, from a financial point of view, to create a “study level” 172 with steam gauges. At that point its likely the default aircraft won’t be used much as there will hopefully be a wide selection of well made aircraft by third parties that will cover most interests.
So I don’t have to start a new topic, but is this feature gone with the new NXi G1000?