Is the weather radar working in the Caravan?

I’m in the middle of a rainy flight and there is no weather radar. Is anyone else having this issue? Is this an issue or maybe it’s just me?

Thank you

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The radar when using the stock G1000 was always INOP as far as I know. If you want a weather capability, the G1000 NXi on the MarketPlace implements NEXRAD on the MFD.

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I took the first MsFS Caravan photo I could find from Google, it seems like it does have a radar on the leading edge:

Working Title had a WX radar enabled on V0.3.7 because I recall using it on the Bonanza during my US cross-country. It may come to the NXi but you’ll have to ask Matt and team.

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The NXi definitely has it, and it correctly indicates precipitation, and not clouds in general. Though I think that in particular was a fix to the core sim a few patches back.

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Works here too, you just have to turn it on lol ;p

That’s NEXRAD, not the onboard weather radar. While they serve similar purposes, they’re not quite the same.

The NXi (and I believe the current 0.4.x WT mod) has NEXRAD working, but doesn’t have the weather radar built in quite yet as the old pre-NXi WT G1000 mod did. There aren’t a lot of planes in MSFS that have radar pods, so it’s not surprising this isn’t one of the top priorities for the NXI. While not as precise as an onboard radar, NEXRAD does serve the purpose well in the meantime.

The WT team are currently focused on adding funcitonality to the MFD, which is where the radar system ‘lives’. A bunch of new additions are coming with the next release (engine pages, leaning, proper plane-specific ‘gauges’), as well as a few other enhancements. I’m fairly confident we’ll be seeing radar fucntionality added in the coming weeks.


The MFD shows a WX radar view, but as mentioned it last existed pre SU5 on 0.3.7.

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Yes, I mixed those two up in my head, clearly, and is not the same as the radar in planes like the TBM.

The Caravan has the pod on the wing, but the NXI does not have that function that I have found, only NEXRAD. Didn’t the Community WT addon have it?

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The old WT 0.3.x mod did have the weather radar and it worked on planes equipped with the radar pod, like the Caravan. The current 0.4.x doesn’t, but then again, it has very few additional features over the stock G1000. It’s nothing but a stopgap solution until the NXi releases as the default in the sim.

The NXi will likely have it in the not too distant future. But for now, we have to rely on only NEXRAD until they get that functionality sorted out.

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In the interim, you could install the GNS750 mod, which has working weather radar, and has a support file for the Caravan, but you need to pay for the Premium version.

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Just another one of the many reasons the “Teams” need to focus on fixing all the things “Included” in all the cockpits that are not functional. If it is in the cockpit, it needs to work correctly.

Once all of that is done, I will look to the marketplace for enhancement. Until then, my community folder stays EMPTY. Why should I have to add a 3rd party mod to fix something that is in the cockpit already.

Then you miss out on a lot of functionality available now.

I wouldn’t have enjoyed or been able to conduct a 22 leg segment flying mostly good IFR across the US had it had not been for things like the G1000 Working Title 0.3.7 mod and Robert Young’s Turbo Bonanza mod in the Community folder.

FSX had a lot of mods that added to base functionality. If you’ve been in the sim community for a while, mods are a part and parcel of the landscape.


So is this the right radar screen that op is talking about? :

Or is this the same radar as well. Because this one is working here, the little arm sweeps the screen and displays the weather ahead of my trak.

And this is the other one a min later:

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The second image is what we have now, the first is what the thread discusses. Your images are not from the NXi, as I can make out the OBS button is there. WT 0.3.7?

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I have the plain vanilla C208 and I’m getting all the weather. No add-ons: Third party or marketplace. I’ve never not had weather since the release… Or am I completely misinterpreting this thread?!?



It’s been a long time since I have tried the vanilla G1000, so you may be right.

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That’s the one I’m speaking of. I should mention that I am using the stock G1000 because the new one doesn’t have a functional OBS switch.

You’re not missing the thread. Using the plain vanilla Caravan with no add-ons, I’m not getting any weather.

Same. I haven’t used the stock G1000 nor the WT 0.4.x enhancement. I didn’t think the weather radar was available in it. I thought that was a thing with the old WT 0.3.X only.

Seems I was mistaken!