Is there a variable/event viewer in dev mode?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but in the dev mode menu, is there an option that would allow me to see what events are being sent when certain actions are performed in the airplane? For example, if I wanted to see what variable or event is being changed when I’m spinning the altitude knob on the AP panel, can I see this?

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To inspect variables, you can use the “SimVarWatcher” SimvarWatcher ( It’s located in your SDK installation folder (e.g. C:\MSFS SDK) \Samples\VisualStudio

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Thanks for that. After reading through that pages documentation, it seems like I already need to know the variable I want to monitor before adding it to the watcher, is that right? I can’t have it log any variable that is changing automatically?

Yes, as far as I am aware. There are just too many variables going around in the sim to dump them all. You should check which ones you need at Simulation Variables (

Thank you for the help. I’ll see what sort of damage I can cause with this info :slight_smile: has an event viewer built in that doesn’t require any knowledge of the event IDs. But it costs money (and does lots of other stuff).

In dev mode, you can check this as well under behaviours.

SPAD has a 14 day free trial. I’m not sure if its possible to export a list of all simvars for later use.

Thanks. I wasn’t finding what I wanted in the dev mode, even with the suggestions, but I eventually found the variable I was looking to assign after some hunting and pecking through the presets on MobiFlight’s Hubhop site…

+1 for HubHop. A great way to find obscure variables and events.

Also +1 for Spad.neXt. The data discovery capability there is second to none.

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Can you describe how to do that please?

Turn on developer mode
Go to the menu at the top of the screen
Select Behaviors under Tools in the menu

There you can do 2 things (and a lot more, but that is less interesting for now)

  • Select tab ‘Behaviors’
  • Select at the tab the xml with aircraft name + ‘interior’ in it. Names can vary a bit.
  • Point with your mouse at a knob / switch for which you would like to see the code, and press CTRL-G. Most of the times, it will show you the code behind that knob/button.


  • Select the tab ‘LocalVariables’
  • Here you can see at the LVARs loaded. You can search by typing part of an expected variable name in the search field. Like ‘APU’ will normally show you the variables that relate to the APU.
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Thank you very much!