Is there a quick and and easy way to check whether I have MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe version installed on my Xbox Series S?
The installation was quite confusing and it took many hours. I do remember seeing several updates being installed, but now I cannot tell if I have Premium Deluxe installed.
Check the Content Manager settings in your Profile and see if the Premium Deluxe content is listed. Alternately, go to your Hangar and see if you see the B787-10, as that is a Premium Deluxe-only aircraft.
Thank you! All confirmed. Also, the the hangar I have 38 aircraft. I also managed to find another screen that showed me what was installed and I found Premium and Premium Deluxe showing as installed.
You are not alone in being utterly confused when you purchase a premium version; it doesn’t help seeing the other versions still listed in the store in your libary after buying premium.
There seems to be no incentive to clear up this M E S S .
It appears to rely on an old school boy network where those in the know don’t tell those who don’t know, You just have to struggle along and find out the hard way.
When there’s an update you can’t load the game. But it’s NEVER clear how to update the game ! So be prepared to struggle as those who know will never tell you how it’s done.
Great shame , as it’s a terrific game
That seems both hyperbolic and factually incorrect.
While it is true that the update process for this sim is cumbersome and has been difficult for some, most of us have managed updates just fine since launch, and I see PLENTY of threads and posts after each update from folks with trouble, followed by plenty of help from both average members and the forum moderation team.
All points to lack of Document ion of the designed of an update system.
If it was Documented, then it should follow the documentation, and be clear.
If it does NOT follow the documentation, then its either needs to be corrected, or the documentation updated.
Taken to the extreme of simplicity, if MSFS detect that there is an mandatory update, the simple option should be to select either UPDATE or CLOSE, and it should all happen automatically thereafter without any user Guesswork.
Is this related to MS Store version? I have the Steam version, and I don’t have to do any guesswork on how to update the sim, I just fire it up and it gives me the updates automatically. I have not ever had to consider which version of the sim I have.
Also, there are updating instructions provided by the ZenDesk and the mods here on the forums post links to those instructions every time there is an update.
To the OP: Another way to check which version you have installed, is going to Marketplace and selecting “Bundle” from the filter options on the left:
Our beloved community managers are posting the update procedures EVERY SINGLE TIME. They also give extra tips when something goes awry. So the fact that you post this as a critique tells me something…
And yes, the procedure seems cumbersome for some. This can and must and will be improved. But at least there’s enough documentation available.
Again, hyperbolic and un-true, bordering on silly.
If there’s an update, the sim tells you exactly what to do. It will say there’s a mandatory update so please go the Microsoft Store to update it. Close the sim, go to the Store and check for updates. For most people it will be there immediately; others may have to wait a a few minutes. Once it downloads, launch the sim and it will get the rest of the core update as soon as it starts up. Check the Content Manager to see if there are any updates to your installed content.
No, it’s not a 1-button automagic process. But it’s not really all that complicated.
True, and the only reason for that extra content manager (and sometimes market place) step is that it lets the user decide how much optional content to download, which is much appreciated. We cannot have it both ways.