LNM must be one of the best “free” accessories available for flight simmers…
Just to add one note to new users of LNM …don’t forget to make sure the Scenery Library in LNM is updated with MSFS’s Scenery Library…especially if you have other Flight Sims on your PC.
Aren’t these just for US and Canada?
Does Volanta have a live moving map? Are the airport maps included or are they taken from from the sim itself like in LittleNavMap?
Taken from sim. But yes, has moving map. I use navigraph too for the maps.
Little Navmap will handle your airport navigation.
It doesn’t auto zoom but it does pull the airport data from the game and therefore the gates are where the game thinks they are.
SkyElite (payware) does the same but with autozoom which works most of the time.*
*I’ve noticed if I have loads of different SimConnect apps running that there may be update glitches with SkyElite and it doesn’t always auto-zoom but there is an update coming soon which I’m hoping improves performance.
FltPlan Go is only US… Foreflight, which costs $99 annually is worldwide.
I would like to see FltPlan Go expand… it basically has all the functionality of the $200 package of Foreflight, but only includes the US, however it’s free. FltPlan go has chart overlay, for approach and airport diagram for taxiing.
sky4sim pad has this feature