Is there an updated list of the photogrammetry areas?

Hi there, Is there a list of the updated list of photogrammetry areas? Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA

Iā€™ve been compiling one (really for my personal use but am happy to share it) ā€¦. but I donā€™t think it will ever be correct. There is photogrammetry in areas that arenā€™t even mentioned in the official release notes so itā€™s hard to track it all.

Mine includes freeware that I have downloaded but definitely not all available. Just what Iā€™ve ā€œgotā€ at the moment.

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Thanks for the reply and infoā€¦:slight_smile:

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In the mean time you might find this useful but honestly not sure how up to date or complete it is. You can filter it to only show PG (ā€œ3D citiesā€ checkbox):

Here is link to Google Map

Microsoft Flight Simulator Map ā€“ Google My Maps

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you can filter for '3D cities (photogrammetry) on this site;

[Microsoft Flight Simulator Map ā€“ Google My Maps]


Rysatko has compiled that same data into Little Navmap userpoint (CSV) format:

Besides Little Navmap you can also import those CSV data sets into Sky Dollyā€˜s Location module which lets you quickly teleport to those locations:

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When flying in Florida i have yet to find any area that doesnā€™t have photogrammetry, it almost feels like the entire state has been done, but iā€™m not complaining. i wish the entire world was like that :smiley:

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