I haven’t seen any AI traffic in career mode. Is there any? If so, do you need to enable it somehow?
I would also like to know, feels lonely out there while flying missions.
you can enable it somewhere in the Settings
can you give more details on this of how to change it in the settings please
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That is for multiplayer air traffic in the career mode.
I’m wondering if there is any way to get AI air traffic to appear in the mode
i dont have this option in my online settings??? im on xbox series x if that helps
I am also not sure what this setting really does. It resets itself everytime I restart the sim.
Also, I have multiplayer disabled, but saw traffic in career.
It was a 737 landing with 140 knots on a short grasstrip.
Apart from that, I have not seen any traffic in career
the word SHAM and and DISASTER come to mind with 2024
what a fair of a release…costing them valuable players/simmers and anyone who bought any version i think in my opinion should be given a refund for the mess they released…like £200 for the aviator addition and only get the deluxe if lucky…pure and utter mess
Is this working ? (traffic in career mode).
At least for me, even after enabling traffic for career mode (in settings) I still don’t see any traffic in airports (speaking of airport types where it should be traffic).
Can’t tell you, career does not work at all for me currently
No. There is no offline traffic at all 2024. Sometimes live traffic works but it’s spotty. None of it is working well.
Lots of parked aircraft (but their colour is often just white untile you are very close, then it suddenly changes), but no traffic in the air. Did Also not see any ships until now
Hope they improve that, feels lonley. Apart from that and a few bugs, the career is a lot of fun for me
Yes, traffic specially on ground is a very important part of flight sim for me.
I don’t care if it’s LIVE or AI traffic, but yes plausible traffic on airports. Hope they fix this soon.
As for career, bugs aside, it’s a very good start.
Well I guess Xbox players are ■■■■ out of luck because that option is not there on Xbox…
delete please
I have never seen any moving or flying aircraft in career mode. All aircraft (often a lot, although airport aircraft set to medium) seem to be static.
I have never seen any AI or Multiplayer Traffic in career mode.