My game was running fine for about 3 hours after the latest hotfix, but I started to get constant CTDs immediately after take off. I tried for several hours but literally everytime I got a CTD. So I’ve decided to uninstall and do a fresh install.
My issue is that my interenet connection is 1000Mbps. And this is the constant download speed I am getting from Microsoft.
This is ridiculous, surely Microsoft has servers better than this? Is there some setting hidden in windows that is limiting my download speed from Microsoft?
Not sure what to do, at this rate I’m going to cancel my game pass soon because I’ve had so many issues since SU5 after my game ran perfectly with SU4 & now this download just takes the cake.
I’ve closed this thread as there is an existing topic about this issue, so that we can keep all responses to this issue together and importantly so votes don’t get split between the two. Feel free to continue the discussion over on that thread.