Is there any way to remove an Airport that comes with the Sim?

Hi All
Is there any way to remove an airport that’s embedded in the game, not an Asobo airport or Microsoft airport that’s listed in the Content Manager?
I have Newcastle Airport by Orbx and at only gate 3, I get the Baggage handling truck launching itself into the air none stop! ( its the only problem with this add-on )
( P.S. I re-installed and it still leaps around but it did move into the correct position. )

I have no other items in my community folder except for FBW aircraft and a few liveries, so I am presuming that it is a conflict with the Sim and the Newcastle add-on.

This was the normal

Now I also get this

Without Orbx

If the game was built with an airport at that location, it doesn’t matter if it’s handcrafted or part of the base game - it’s not really removable without some serious modding.

Since you’re having what you presume is a conflict between the base game and payware, your best option is to contact the Payware author/maker and let them know what you’re seeing. Maybe they can issue a fix. Most payware airports operate atop the base game’s object - overriding it.

I would think you could simply go to Content Manager and delete the payware airport.

I would also contact the developer, with as much information as you can provide.

Good luck!

Hi @TastierOsprey80
This sounds like a collision issue. I’ve seen it happen with my scenery too when I place something like a custom collidable luggage container in a place where the ground vehicles want to be (we can’t move the ground vehicles either).
Best to let the developer know so they can re-position things and release an update.
There are other things you can do like remove the ground vehicles, but it gets very messy.
All the best.

You can, but that is not what the OP is asking and

They want to KEEP the payware and remove the stock / generic MSFS one to see if there is a conflict, which is not possible.

But yes, best to let dev know and see if they can fix the collision.

Hi CasualClick
I did just that when it occurred a few months ago, and I was asked to look in the community folder etc for an item that could cause a conflict. As I only had the FBW aircraft and 2 or 3 liveries I tried removing them and it made no difference.
According to Orbx, you can disable or remove Asobo default airports, but that only refers to a handful of airports and EGNT is not on the list in that content.XLM file.

It’s only at one gate so I think I we will leave it at that, thanks for the advice