I’m looking in both keybindings and SimConnect and I can’t figure out a way to increment or decrement the altitude set for autopilot (C172 G1000). I see a keybinding to “select” altitude and it says +/- would then control it, but I can’t figure out how to actually do the +/- event after selecting altitude.
I seem to remember having to use CTRL+PgUp and CTRL+PgDn
My understanding with the “select” bindings you see is that they are like the old FS key bindings that allowed you to select the right engine pressing “E1” ( if I remember) ,as an example, which would then allow you to control just that engine with the "F"keys for throttle,mixture, prop and even manage some of the switches like “mags” etc. It doesn’t seem to be well implemented currently. I expect having that binding now is mostly there to assist cockpit builders to use rotary encoders as multiple knobs.
Just my understanding, I am sure there is an expert cockpit wizard out there that has a better description.
I would suggest using the “increment” Up and Down bindings. I have the Alt Bug mapped to two ancillary buttons on my mouse, along with Heading Bug. Makes AP flying a breeze, when using HDG HOLD and ALT HOLD.
It is CTL page up and page down. I have it working with a rotary encoder that sends those keys to the sim and it works great.
What is a “rotary encoder”?
Or you could do something like I did ($149):
No more trying to click on a little knob that’s bouncing around the cabin.
It is an input device that can be used with an Arduino to control the up/down settings on things like radio frequency or altitude.
Here is a link to a typical one
A slighty late reply, but the control bindings you are looking for are called “INCREASE AUTOPILOT REFERENCE ALTITUDE” and “DECREASE AUTOPILOT REFERENCE ALTITUDE”.