Is this a general Sim issue or just HDD?

I feel like it takes longer to start the Sim after I turn on the PC or just open it for the first time. But it takes faster when I start it for the second time and so on. Do people with SSD or NVMe also have the similar experience?

I have a Samsung Pro Evo 980 and if there’s a longer delay I wouldn’t notice. With a near empty community folder it’s consistantly about a minute and a half from clicking my ‘direct’ link to the Welcome screen. By starting in CMD I avoid the Xbox, Asobo and Blackshirt splash screens.

For the Microsoft Store edition create a duplicate shortcut to any program on your desktop and paste

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch

into the target address. Rename the shortcut MSFS2020, this should work straight away but the icon will probably change to a plain CMD one after your next system restart or if not you can use another of your own creation or convert this to .ico

For other drives edit accordingly and I don’t know if it would work with a Steam address.

Do you think it will be worth to get it if I only have PCIe 3.0?

Who knows what your future plans are but for PCIe-3 the Pro Evo 850 is actually slightly quicker and is cheaper.

It’s an expected behavior, and it happen also with SSD and my NVME drive, but less noticeable. The second time it will take advantage of cached files to speed-up downloading. This is the same for all your programs like Words, Internet browsers, etc.

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There is very little real world difference between PCIe 3.0 vs 4.0 and the 3.0 drives are cheaper anyway. I have the 980 Pro and the 970 Evo and, outside of benchmarking, I would struggle to tell the difference most of the time.

However, the difference between a great HDD and even a mediocre SSD, is ENORMOUS. Get whichever SSD you can afford - just make sure it is big enough for your core OS and MSFS - and you will be amazed at the difference.

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Startup time also seems to be dependent on the number of mods and their type installed in the Community folder. I had a 3rd party airport that increased five times the loading time of the game itself, not of the flight (but also that).

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I believe MSFS2020 goes on line upon startup. Internet connections can be flakey depending on traffic and if your particular country is being hacked that day. :wink: This uncontrollable effect is probably the cause of half of all sim issues. :slight_smile:


Absolutely right. I’ve been having internet issues today (best download speed <0.8mbps…). Foolishly fired up MSFS - near 20 minutes to start from SSD with empty community folder :neutral_face:. At some point, it did show the ‘insufficient bandwidth’ error and switch to offline mode … but it still uses internet for various startup tasks.

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