Issues setting up Thrustmaster TCA Throttle Quadrant

Go to Options>Controls>Select Quadrant>Right under the Name it self you’ll see Profile. Set that to standard

Yesterday evening, I had a very enjoyable flight with the Airbus Quadrant and the 787-10.
Both axis are precisely controlled by FSUIPC7-Beta with working reversers. Engine start with switches 3&4 works just fine. :ok_hand:t2:
The 747-8 should work in a similar way with two engines on either of the axis.

Does anybody know, if both Auto Thrust switches can be mapped to buttons on the Quadrant?


The throttles I mapped within FS2020, working fine after adjusting the sensivity.
can we map in FS2020 the engine starter 1 & 2 ?
can we map in FS2020 the engine selector button wich has three position?


On my quadrant, the left axis is not on the right sensitivity someway, since when set to idle, it stays at around 26% power. It annoyis a bit.

Hi Peter.

The engine master switches are found under “Set Engine 1/2 Fuel valve” .

The Mode selector knob do not seem to have a switch for “Normal”, I hope they add a virtual one for that. The only workaround at the moment, apart from FSUIPC, is to set “Normal” to set one of the black buttons (5/6)


Hi Pontus

Thanks, I tried it.
But it seems that it does not work together with the A320 that comes together with the sim.


Hi Peter.

It should work just fine.

Can you select the buttons in the menu but they do not work in the sim?

Just to check, have you downloaded the latest drivers?


I didn’t read the entire thread. I just got my TCA pack. Here is what I did.

  1. Install the drivers and update the firmware on both the stick and the throttle.
  2. I removed and reassigned some of the buttons as I saw fit for my needs.

They really have not programmed the buttons and the throttle that well at all. Seems like they are making ado with sensitivity settings for now. I did get mine to line up perfectly with the A320 with a working reverse. Here is my sensitivity setting for the throttle if someone wants to try. it works well for A320. For GA and other plans I have to reset it to a full curve so I can use the full axis.


For the GA, I created different preset so that I don’t have to fiddle with sensitivity settings every time. The preset then holds your settings so you can select the one that fits for your specific flight intentions.

With GA however, I wanted right thrust lever use as a mixture control. Have anyone tried and succeeded? Did not manage to set it up on my end.

I did this for GA planes. My left throttle controls all throttles and right one I use for Mixture. Here is how I set it up. I use the slider on the stick for the propeller axis as well.

You want to reassign the left axis to “THROTTLE AXIS” and the right one to “MIXTURE AXIS (0 to 100%)”. The throttle sliders have buttons inside them at each indent, so when you are assigning the axis, make sure it says “Joystick L-Axis X” etc and not “BUTTON xxxx”. I wiggle the axis between reverse and FLX indent, I had to try a few times.
Mixture all the way forward is 100% rich. Here is my sensitivity setting and assignment. You have to lock the reverse lever as this setting will use full 100% of the slider including reverse area.

You’ll notice that the sensitivity setting for the Mixture is -100% neutral while throttle is 0% neutral. This is just the way it is but it works perfectly and uses the whole movement for the axis.

Try these settings.

Works like a charm! Thanks a lot. I did the mistake in the past that I went across the detents :slight_smile:

Im still having issues with idlr throttle. Left axis when set to idlen stays at around 26%.

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This happens to me with the a320nx but not with the default plane

Please, I installed the newest drivers/Firmware for the TCA Airbus. But with the stock Airbus in FS2020 for me only the throttels and reversers are working fine.

How do we get working the Eng 1/2 selector knobs?
How do we get working the selector knob back to normal from crank or ignition?

Why did Thrustmaster sell a hardware without the corresponding setting-software?
Does it evtl. work with registred version of FSUIPC7?


Almost everything now works on mine even the start/ignition knob. I will post a screenshot tonight. I HAVE THE LATEST A32NX MOD INSTALLED. I don’t know if it will work with default airbus. Here is the mapping (from git-hub website):


set engine master 1
set starter 1
set engine 1 fuel valve
toggle engine 1 fuel valve


set engine master 2
set starter 2
set engine 2 fuel valve
toggle engine 2 fuel valve

Start/Ignition switch to BUTTON 8.
Normal mode switch to BUTTON 5. —> ACTIVATE by switching the knob to normal then press button 5 (the only fix I could think of)


  1. Install the crossbar so both throttles move exactly the same amount
  2. When starting in C&D, move the throttles all the way forward then back to idle before turning on the battery. This will fix the bug that misalign the throttles.

I tried it out, button 3 and 4 only works with the developper version of the A32NX, with the stable version they dont work now.

this is how it works for me with lastest A32X DEV

That’s exactly how I have mine except button 5 for the norm mode and button 6 for parking brakes. Also makes sure to remove any duplicates from other controllers like the screenshot above.

Same here - when both levers are set to idle irl, the left throttle stays at about 25%. I’ve got the latest drivers installed. Any help would be much appreciated!

Would it be better setting up the axis for TCA TQ with FSUIPC7? The movement, the curves setup is horrible within the sim.