When i am in certain aircraft and i engage the autopilot i have a problem where the rudder keeps going to the right or left in a full position. Doesn’t happen instantly but over about 3 minutes. kinda makes flying a little unbareable. Any suggestion as to this? is this due to last update?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game with the same issues happening. Happens in all airliners and in the cub.
i use the saitek x52. im not sure if that is the problem though. Since i have reinstalled the game i have not had it plugged in and it is still doing it.
Im almost now convinced that there is an error in the multi livery pack that is found online. I was able to fly comfortably and didnt have an issue until i re-placed the livery pack into the folder.
I don’t have the livery pack but since the last update I’ve experienced numerous rudder related problems. The Mooney veers to the left to varying degrees on take off and unless the AP is set, it continues during the flight.
Yesterday i was flying the C172 G1000 and, although the AP was set correctly and following the heading, it just took a sharp left turn for no apparent reason. AP still set correctly and nothing had changed.
it is odd. Before i installed the pack, it was just the a320. now its the 320 and 747. and cub. im acutally kinda shocked right now that the 787 is working. I uninstalled the pack and still the same. I just wish there was a fix
I’m having the same issues with the A320 and the citations. The citations are completely unflyable. Once I hit V1 both planes start rolling to the right and start flying erratically pitching up and down. Its’ getting really annoying. I don’t have the liveries either. I’ve reinstalled multiple times and calibrated my joystick in windows and msfs.
i have the issue with several different planes. the generic a320, 747, cub, learjets. Its more of a once i hit the autopilot the rudder with slowly go full left or full right. also causing the banking. I have tired it with and without joystick with same situation.
The Legacy flight model is intended for use with planes imported from the older sims.
It will work, but it is not “fully” compatible with the new MSFS coded planes, so it will at times cause issues.