It's all a question about settings!



What are your Settings & PC Specs?

  • And a question for anybody that takes lots of screenshots. Do you use the windows screenshot function? I find the quality isn’t great.

What kind of post-processing settings did you use?


I also would like to know it

It is all about the settings you gotta get your hands a little dirty to make things look purdy…

I used Steam SS and this is what I get.

Im running an i7-6 16 gigs of ram and a 1080ti card. The monitor now is a 4k tv running @ 3840x2160. FPS is low but the thing runs smooth as silk. Most of the PP stuff is turned off, and am thinking about turning it all off before I go out on my evening run.

What is PP stuff?

(Gosh I hate the 10 character limit.)

I run an i7 10700k with a 2080 great. Could someone give me a tip on which settings to take best?

This was taken on my Series X tonight, I’m not an expert in these things but it looks good I think

PP you know its what happens when you have to much to drink Bwhahahaha

No but really Post Processing they’re the added affects that game uses to make things look smoother/ better sometimes.

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Here are my settings,no post processing due to Nvidia freestyle.

Since i have an nvidia card i am using Nvidia experience to take screenshots with ALT+F1.