I've not seen this kind of FPS on my 3090 before!

I’ve been spending this weekend playing around with settings and trying to optimise my system (5950x + RTX3090 @ UHD 3840x2160px output) mainly for using airliners (pmdg 737 etc) and dense scenery airports like Ini’s EGLL) to see what I could do with my system and was seeing some good results : 48-50FPS at EGLL with AI traffic (FSLTL). I can share what I did if anyone is interested. Tonight I jumped into the fantastic freeware Cessna T37B and was blown away by this FPS figure I am suddenly seeing. i don’t think I’ve ever seen this type of FPS with MSFS before with my system. It’s like something has freed up (I even hit 86FPS at one point!). This isn’t a 40Xx card and it has no frame generation available to it. Admittedly I do have DLSS2 (quality) on for this screengrab, but TAA mode doesn’t hit my FPS too much either from what I previously saw at EGLL.

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I have the same CPU and GPU, and there are allot of planes that we can hit 80+ FPS on while in the air, unfortunately the more complex ones, PMDG, FENIX, etc… are hungry!


I’m getting some good FPS rates now (for me) even in the PMDG737 at T5 at Ini’s EGLL with AI traffic (FSTraffic in this case), and cruddy weather this morning. This location is where I optimised around. I’m quite happy with these frame rates. Previously I’d always been sluggish here especially in bad weather.

Same gate position with AI Traffic turned OFF. These are the highest FPS rates I’ve ever experienced at T5 Ini’s EGLL (V3) on my system.

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Go on then! I have a similar spec and run on 4K most settings on high. I won’t use DLSS because of the blurry screens and find that FSLTL has a major FPS hit. But interested to see what you were using.

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Same position with FSLTL (using priority FS Traffic models )

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What I’ve done is very long winded over a period of several days, so it will need me to try to concisely summarise as best I can. The thing is I don’t know specifically where the performance breakthrough for me came from, but it’s running really well on these settings. Best I’ve seen on my system. Re DLSS, on ‘quality’ I don’t see the blurriness (in the 737 I only ever used to see the altimeter go a bit blurry during climbs, but haven’t recently.) DLSS also for me does not affect FPS, only GPU % load (90% with TAA->65% with DLSS Quality). FPS seems to be about the same with DLSS ON or OFF.

Is it removal of addons, system changes or sim changes?

I’m in a similar boat but have the 5800x3D instead of the 5950x. I get ok fps having played around with a few things last week but still suffer on the ground at big airports. Always, blinkin always, limited by the MainThread. I use DLSS Quality in 4K (I prefer the AA result to TAA) with Ultra settings except my LODs are both set to 175 (There is literally no difference to 200).

The biggest benefit I got FWIW was moving the screen rendering in the Fenix off the CPU and on to the GPU. That’s helped the experience of flying that aircraft in it’s current guise hugely. I also found that removing SouthOakCo’s birds products has helped quite a bit. A shame because they were very good but sadly not worth the performance draw.

I cap my fps at 60 as I have a 60hz 4K monitor and almost always see a solid 60fps in the air. The issue tends to be on the ground, particularly at LHR etc. i also still suffer from this performance degradation at the landing airport. That is a massive, long standing problem. There’s another thread on that specific point, and it has been proven that this problem occurs with the vanilla sim too, so hopefully it’s now on Asobo’s radar.


Not removal of add ons, all system tweaks and changes.
There’s lots of things I did. Main one yesterday was finally figuring out my TV HDMI refresh rates for UHD and finally being able to set it to 3840x2160px @ 120Hz (I had been on 60Hz), then finding there was a default scaling going on in NVCP which was set to GPU scaling, removed that (setting it to ‘display’ and things improved + at higher RR I found I could turn off VSYNC and got extra perf there too. There’s lots of other things I’ve done though. Will try to list them out. Also have had to drop quite a few options down from Ultra to high etc. Also tweaked EGLL in IniManager. Again I’ll try to list things out. It is after all a gigantic system resource balancing act! Esp. keeping CPU clear of mainthread limits!

Personally, that’s the stuff I’m interested in.

What did you change at EGLL and which graphics settings did you drop? I’ve turned off a bit of what I consider to be unnecessary at EGLL as I use GSX which has undoubtably helped.

My issue is entirely around CPU load (still), even with a 5800x3D. It’s pretty infuriating. I’ve never had TLOD this low before, even when I had much lesser CPU’s than this one. All my other graphics settings are turned all the way up to try and load the GPU vs CPU.

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Specifically at EGLL V3 -

INI Manager


->SWITCHES all set to ‘OFF’ except ‘PEOPLE AND PASSENGERS’ and ‘DETAILED INTERIORS’ which are set to ‘ON’. SD TEXTURES set to 'ACTIVE ’ (Note: SD textures still look great but have a significant performance gain)

Note: I’ve also done this at Ini’s KLAX. Clutter is gone too as I use GSX.

My TLOD/OLOD are currently sitting at 120, but I briefly tested yesterday after I hit this sweetspot and could probably go to 140. 150+ and CPU mainthread limits too much and FPS starts to tank. I personally don’t think you need LODs higher than 150 but I know that might just be me!

That’s interesting.

The texture thing shouldn’t, in theory, be an issue with a 3090 as it’s a VRAM thing, one thing we both have loads of. That’s partly why moving the display rendering to the GPU in the Fenix is an easy win. With DLSS enabled there’s loads of headroom on the GPU and moving that load off the CPU is a slam dunk.

The moving passengers could well be a CPU load which I can explore. I removed all the ground clutter bar a couple of options as it’s unnecessary and generally gets in the way of GSX anyway.

re The LODs I totally agree. I ran them in increments of 50 from 10 to 150 and noticed no material difference (although my fps are capped so that is likely masking the performance decrement). I did see a change from 150 to 200 but it was only small. Equally, 200-205 (as per the in depth thread) is a small change too, but enough that it’s noticeable on the ground at the more intensive airports. I’ve settled on 175 as it draws some trees and buildings a touch further into the distance but there is no discernible drop in fps from 150. Hope that makes sense!

400 looks amazing, but it just murders performance on the ground. Oh for a scalable LOD setting eh?!

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This is the thread with the destination performance deg in it…

Are you still seeing this phenomenon?

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I wonder if we have to thank the XBOX for that… :slight_smile: Having a SIM that can run smoothly with complex planes on the console I suppose benefits all those that don’t have the latest and most powerful PC to run it on?


Current in sim Graphics settings. Note: These have been derived from -

  1. Tweaking down CPU loaders (in graphics settings) specifically to accommodate AI traffic (like FSLTL and FSTraffic) by creating a headroom of 15fps (less may be actually required. There’s an excellent YouTube video on this)
  2. Reviewing some but not all listed ‘Optimal’ settings recommended by GEForce Experience
  3. Keeping things I want (eg. volumetric clouds) and Terrain precaching on Ultra.

Also worth noting is that I have now turned down FSLTL AI injector settings to IFR : 35-45 and STATIC : CAPPED at 10. Worth experimenting with different values though.

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It is, but it also seems to affect CPU quite a lot too. I read on the NZCH thread that NZA sim recognise this as CPU loader too. Switching to SD textures at EGLL had a huge performance gain for me CPU wise. All those textures still have to be loaded in I guess via the CPU. :man_shrugging:

As I mentioned, I notice no CPU/FPS benefit with DLSS, just GPU loading benefit. So GPU load goes from 95% (TAA) to 65% (DLSS Quality with render at 1440p then upscale). So good for quieter fan and visuals for me are ok with DLSS on Quality. It’s a toss up though as TAA looks fine too, it’s just a bit noisier with my GPU fans running higher.

They certainly are with GSX, when you use ‘insane’ passenger boarding it hits my CPU hard, but recovers when complete. I still have moving passengers set in terminals. They probably hit CPU too, but you can’t easily turn them off.

Also worth mentioning is Traffic settings. I have mine all set very low or OFF as AI traffic of all kinds (vehicles, workers, airport traffic) loads/hits the CPU.

This is interesting, I was capping too at 30FPS (60Hz VSYNC ON, 50% RR). Until yesterday when I found out how to enable 120Hz on my TV at UHD. I then tried capping at 100%, 50% and 33% RR with VSYNC ON, and all seemed to work well, but the final wow factor gain for me yesterday was turning VSYNC OFF so releasing the cap and more FPS emerged with no tearing. I assume the higher RR mitigates tearing which you can quite evidently see with a RR of 60Hz and VSYNC OFF. VSYNC definitely has a slight FPS hit.

This would be a nice feature, I saw someone else requested this and they seem to have a 40xx card! Just rename the TLOD slider to “CPU inhibitor” and be done :rofl:

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Interestingly two nights ago (when I was still on 60Hz RR, but with some of my tweaks in place) I flew into EIDW V2 and hit the mid 20’s FPS wise on short final. Exactly as others reported.
I flew into EIDW again (different runway) last night and it stayed at 35+ FPS the whole way down.
Will need to reassess again today perhaps. It was better, but was it a solitary blip or sustainable, who knows. :man_shrugging:

Other tweaked settings-

Set to No Scaling, Perform scaling on (turned off GPU, set to DISPLAY)

NVCP MSFS Specific


Other Observations-

  • HAGS ON (as of yesterday)
  • GAME MODE ON (had this setting on for a while)
  • VRR (as of yesterday, not sure if it makes a difference)
  • Latest NVidia game ready drivers 531.41 (from when they were released)
  • Tested DLAA : No FPS gain, visually worse for me so left it off. True both in and out of DLSS mode.
  • Tested NVidia reflex low latency : Seemed to do not very much for me, but it hit CPU slightly so turned off. I have low latency set to ‘Ultra’ in NVCP already. Not sure if these settings work together. :man_shrugging:

BIOS tweaks

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Quick question, are run running Win11 or 10? I have not been able to get Ryzen Master to run on Win11 and was just wondering if or how you are able to get it going. Thanks.