[January 18, 2024]: Expert Series 1: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 v1.0.36

Unfortunately this trick did not work for me. Once the offending sound starts and the wheels sink into the ground, nothing I do eliminates the sound including playing around with the external power. Only solution for me is to exit flight as proper engine shutdown is no longer possible . As I explained earlier, one can restart the engines and spool them up to F1 and this makes the noise disappear but shutting them down again introduces the same problem. I’m growing exasperated with this bird. Partially fix some things and break others…every single update.

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Enable ACW in the EFB + ACW EXT PWR set to ON ???

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Thank-you for the update with excessive charge-log, appreciated!

Two issuesI think re-appeared in this update, although fixed in an earlier one.

  1. Landing lights on, off do not react to keyboard or controller commands as defined in controller settings any more. Work with all other aircraft and worked in ATR before this update.
  2. Heading bug movement sync with the blue indicator when using external mappings for inc, dec heading bug is out of sync. Also this worked before and works for the other airplane.

Please someone, can you repeat these? (Before filing a bug report)

I am not asking for a work-around using Simvars or steam deck etc.

My bad. Forgot to actually turn on the ACW PWR after activating in the EFB. Your trick works, thank you. Too bad the sound comes on again once you turn off the battery :slight_smile:
Will definitely add this to my workaround list for this aircraft.

I had such a noise during my today’s first post-patch flight, it sounded like a propeller was hitting something but when I switched to the external view I found it’s caused by the main gear quickly jumping between down and in transit state.

For hotel mode you can use the auxiliary hydraulic pump instead of bringing the AC Power online.

The auxiliary pump give pressure for about 1 minutes, enough to engage the prop brake

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Strange I had a look and couldn’t see much externally except tyres sunk into the ground a bit. The landing gear seemed fine visually. I wonder why the gear is behaving this way though a new bug perhaps?

I have really struggled with landing. Can take off, manage speed, manage descent (VNAV) but finals and disengage the AP flaps to full, the plane just collapses and my last flight into EGBB ended up with one side wing scraping the runway

I am sure it pilot error

Mentioned a few times now, found while searching or reading back :wink:


Yes, if it happens on my next flight it’s time for a bug report.

But why is it happening is the ?

Not sure if it’s a bug or intended like a new feature with 1.0.36 … :thinking:

On the pedestal, you have all your trims button.
Press the switch for ailerons trim 2 times to the left before take off :slight_smile:

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Irrespective of bug or feature. Why does turning on AC gen make it go away. I’m just curious. I guess it’s one for the dev. and a future update.

Take off was so smooth though. It was the landing. Like I said I am sure it pilot error

@Chewwy94 i see you followed me in but I was so wrong with the landing I logged off so didn’t see you land. I assume the wind could affected you also.

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Probably, though I have no further idea on this, just observed it while activating ACW by chance and the immediate fixing which had occurred …

I had my second flight since new upgrade; as lots of you has mentioned before, lot of bugs are, actually, normal behaviour (as long as you know how ATR works).

RNP approach definitley works with V-Prof; i had some issues, though; first flight worked flawlessly; second one, after making modification on the FP, it had problems to intercept navigation points;

IMHO this ATR is a joy to fly but You need to know what you’re doing without improvisations; anyway, It’s far to be perfect.

IMO, right now theres 3 bugs that should get priority in next patch :

  • Landing gear not locking correctly during a landing, causing it to try and retract when AC Wild power is offline and with the landing gear sound “sounding”(for a lack of better word)
  • Autpilot VNAV stuck on V-FP if appproach mode activated on a RNAV approach
  • Aircraft not resetting correctly for next leg after a landing(especially annoying when we want to do a multileg flight, which is quite usual for the ATR)

These would be the 3 most important bug to fixes (and IMO any one of those 3 bugs being fixed would be enough to warrant the next patch release IMO)

Also, if they can up the torque a little bit at ground idle (3.7% is too low, and don’t cover edge cases, just a little bit more would be enough to avoid RPM going under the 70.8 in the edge cases where we have a big tailwind while starting or taxying), it would cover most of the cases.

Also one thing I think should be mentionned, but is not mandatory : I think that residual ITT should be higher when we shut down the engines, it look like it get low way too fast IMO


Is the reverse thrust correct? It’s so powerfull that my nose comes up again. Also thrust itself? I really struckle to get it out of shorter runways like lgsk Skiathos. With correct loads.

Seen this too. No way reverse thrust is right. I applied reverse thrust after a decent landing and then the nose came back up so far that I got a tail strike. I don’t understand why reverse thrust should introduce such a severe nose up moment :man_shrugging:

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