[January 18, 2024]: Expert Series 1: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 v1.0.36

In any case it would only be an addition to the 72-600 (72-600F Freighter version) as the 42 Cargo version is based on the 42-300
We’ll see if devs have time to build it …


Made two flights on very busy VATSIM today and it did not go super well. Made it from start to end but encountered quite a lot of issues that I had not seen before. Created new bug reports for all of them.

Overall it was still quite a lot of fun and exciting to fly into crowded EDDK.



for me, the fps drop issue once the systems are up, remained unfixed.

Does someone knows if the the terrain system (call it radar) is still affecting the FPS when this is turn on?

Ia anyone struggling to have RNAV V-FP capturex automatically with this update??

Im at the ritht altitude and on the VNAV Path, and V-FP shows up as being armed.

Agree, some weird looking turns.

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I noticed some nice cut corners on the MFD… which the plane didn’t try to follow. Went straight into the waypoint at the corner and didn’t anticipate the turn at all.

I feel like I’m having worse luck with TOD now compared to last summer when I was flying this often.

I’ve only just started trying it again after a long break. Seems to work mostly. Managed to do a few VNAV PATH descents ok, which seems much better than on previous version to me.

In the past, switching one terrain radar, I had huge frame drop ; now it seems working fine;

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I’m getting the same annoying noise post shutdown here this afternoon. Like a motorcycle running in the background. It kicked in just about the time I went into hotel mode. You can completely shutdown everything down, engines, batteries etc off and it’s still there droning away. You can even select ‘cold and dark’ from the EFB and it’s still there. I can’t figure it out.

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try disabling option sync to CPT. Then after clicking SEL on the standby altimeter you should be able to change QNH by rotating the knob. And furthermore all three altimeters should be adjustable independently.


Until ACW EXT PWR ON :wink:

Interesting finding. Too bad I just exited the sim a minute ago or i could have tested this out. I will keep this in mind for future. Weird thing though.
Interesting also that it happens to coincide with enabling hotel mode post eng1 shutdown. And guess what hotel mode is supposed to need (but doesn’t seem to require in this version) - AC power. I wonder if here is a bug relating to this.

Does anyone know why when landing the ATR in crosswinds or taking off in crosswinds, the aircraft tips over onto the wing. I’m having to compensate either left or right rudder to keep it straight down the runway, because of the wind, but it always tries to tip over onto the wing!


I am having real problems when taking off. As I am accelerating the plane is tipping to one side wing down.

Take off and landing for me - it’s not the wind either

This is normal behavior due to propeller torque, simple physics.
You can set 2 clicks of aileron trim to counter act torque.


indeed; best option is disable the option “sync to CPT”;

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Wow it was a bad take off

Hi can you explain what you mean thanks by ‘2 clicks of aileron trim’