January 5, 2023 Development Update Discussion

Delays were communicated although I don’t think anyone thought they would still be with us in January … but of course the holidays will have a big part in that … and of course the three hour lunch breaks that France is most famous for :wink:


Will there ever be updates to the Bijan Seasons Packs? Been over a year now :sob:

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It’d be cool if someone created a race track scenery or possibly created F1 circuits in MSFS.

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Take a look at flightsim.to and you will find a few.

In case you want to drive the Corvette:
Do yourself a favor and get an iRacing license

So much salt in here, and all about Marketplace content. Jeez people - if you like something, buy and enjoy. If you don’t, then don’t. This isn’t complicated or controversial.

Do people wish Marketplace approvals would go faster? Sure. But remember that a lot of MS and Asobo folks have been on holiday or taking vacation time since late November. Things will slow down and there will be a backlog - this happened last year and in 2020, too. Happens in mid-summer for a bit as well as many people take summer holidays and vacations.

Take a deep breath, fly someplace nice in the sim, and try to relax.


Easy enough to say and do if you are BUYING from the market.
No so much, if you are a Developer, trying to get a product out for a living, or being flooded by users request for an update or bug correction, that you have finished, but cannot get to them.


I would like to fly someplace in the sim.
For example from 42BC to 42MG in the Wilga.
With my XBox friends.
I can fly, but my XBox friends cannot!


Happy new year MSFS and Asobo teams! Excited you’re back and ready to see what’s coming next!


Do you know how long the developers are waiting to get their updates approved for the marketplace?

Not in any numbers, but I do know personally that at TWO that have been waiting over a year to even get a response & follow up of their application.


What happened to the actual development update? Last one from Dec 1 said it’d be Jan 5th, this just says a “later update.” How much later are we talking before we get more than a marketplace update?


These already exist but being “professional level”, you won’t see them available in game forums.

Game-level users are limited to something akin to the “verse” some large company is pushing right now. We get a GFX/physics engine with a programmable, standardized user interface. They are vying for the future de-facto standard. Choose your simulation environment wisely.

Whenever the persons are back in office who can deliver input for the proper dev update.

It’s flu season in Europe, so it is also in France. I at least know many people which are sick these days.

Ah, I guess it’s flu season here too, but I haven’t left my work-from-home bubble to realize it. Hope if any of the Asobo/MSFS crew are unwell that they feel better soon!


I feel you, buddy - I feel you!

Greetings from a random guy working from home since April '20.


March 20, 2020 was my first WFH day - still work for the same place but no one ever returned the office. Our entire workforce minus a few specialized corporate and IT folks all transitioned to remote work full-time.

The two hours a day saved in commuting time has done wonders for my mental health, wear and tear on the car, and my available sim and gaming time. :slight_smile:


I can only hope that one of Microsoft’s surprises is that they are finally going to have a member of staff actually test their own missions, bush trips, achievements etc. and fix the glaringly obvious bugs in them.

For example, this one which bamboozled me tonight, and which was clearly reported (but totally ignored) 2.5 YEARS ago:


It’s even better though, because not only are there two airports clearly visible side by side in the town described as having a “single airstrip”, there’s also a third (the black cross in the top right corner) and to prove it is an airport – even though it has cars driving along both runways (!!) – it has runway direction markings on both of its runways. AND a windsock, AND a gas pump. And yet land there and you will never, ever get the achievement or be able to finish the bush trip.

No, you’re supposed to just magically know to completely ignore the actual semi-functional (again, cars on the runway but otherwise fully-featured) airport with multiple paved runways, in favor of a completely unmarked airport that has no windsock, no fuel pumps, and no runway markings of any kind.

Seriously, a single person playtesting this at Asobo should have caught an error this glaring on the very first try, and even if you can’t be bothered to fix it, simply updating the text to say “not the clearly visible paved airport, nor the clearly visible two-runway grass strip, ignore those and land on the one you can barely see until you’re on top of it” would be better than nothing.

Please, please, PLEASE stop adding new features until you have addressed some of the many, many quality of life issues that are rife throughout this sim. Don’t get me wrong, I love MSFS, but it is beyond infuriating when problems like these go unfixed for years and users shouldn’t have to – as I just did - land 6 or 7 times in a row trying to guess what the game even wants us to do.


There would need to be a serious effort to make all of the AI generated roads drive-able. But once that happens it would open up the sim to a whole new suite of applications.

The rendering engine is built off of Forza so I can only assume that putting the car physics code back into it would not be to difficult.

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I think that’s assuming away the very problem that makes this challenging at best to pull off. And I doubt that’ll become a priority anytime soon given that this is a flight simulator and there’s a mile-long list of issues and development plans for the next many years.

We will be skipping next week’s Update due to the holidays. We’ll be back with another Marketplace Update on December 29th,
and the main Development Update blog will return starting January 5, 2023. MSFS Team Marketplace
I’m still waiting for the update