Job Well Done IndiaFoxTecho in MB339

" * added g-stain sound"

Wasn’t a fan of this in the Goshawk, don’t much care for it in this plane either. Is there a way I can disable this sound by commenting out something in a text file, or deleting a sound file?

I don’t even know what this is but this is a MB339 topic

It’s the sound that sounds like someone breathing into a microphone you get when you pull more than 5g or so. It was originally introduced in the Goshawk, but then it was added to the most recent version of the MB-339 as well.

LOL I haven’t even realised it

It works now. Thank you.

But why is the plane rolling to the left or right side when i start or land the plane? its really hard to hold the plane in the middle of the runway.

What type of controls are you using? You probably have to adjust (lower) rudder sensivity and increase the dead zone.
Crosswind has to much effect on any plane in MSFS for the moment…

enable auto rudder on take off and problem solved

The Problem is the Crosswind. It works fine with no wind.

Thanks for hint, but it’s quite stupid, that cockpit switch does not work and extra command needs to be triggered for proper de icing.

To turn off the Gstrain breathing sound look for the sound.xml in the sound folder of the plane (MB339 or Goshawk)
Then find this comment
<!-- High-G --> for the MB339 and <!-- Gstrain --> for the T45C
In the line below that change WwiseData=“true” to WwiseData=“false”


Thanks! Looks like in Goshawk the heading is “” ( is correct for MB339 though).

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The MB339 is updated again to a newer version 2.21 and now i have a 3d model listes as LUM i think.What is this ?

Has there be any word at all about when the MB339 updates will make it to the MSFS Store version ?

There doesn’t have to be a word i think.They will be,unless it concludes weapons :joy:
(i have the Sim Market version)

EDIT VERSION 1.22 is out

Store is still stuck on the 1.2.0 version.

They have the stamp that they are just getting a little bit late on publishing them.But they will

Where can i get the update? I purchased from Simmarket but their latest release states 1.22.

:man_facepalming: that’s the latest one

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New Update in MSFS Marketplace today to Version 1.2.2

I’ve downloaded that but now the patch doesn’t seem to want to decompress AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH !

Not going to be buying any planes on the store again.

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