Joining traffic patterns using the markers

I’m a relative newbie and have exactly the same issue as posted in this thread:

No solution was posted other than to turn off the traffic pattern markers… :thinking:

Do the markers really not work AT ALL? I fly straight to the marker at correct altitude, but the marker just stays there as I fly right past it and I get no ATC updates to start standard approach etc.


Personal Comments

The below describes in-sim ATC behavior and triggers:

Assuming you are landing at a controlled (towered) airfield, the final “Cleared to land, Runway xx” will be transmitted just shortly after you pass the position marked “Downwind” on the circuit diagram attached. You may need to be a bit deeper into Downwind before turning Base when that happens.

Thanks but that was a similar response to like on the other thread.
It doesn’t answer the question on the traffic pattern markers that are visible - are they totally meaningless to follow? Don’t understand what the purpose of them is.

When I last used the Tutorial (post SU5), if it’s the same marker I’m thinking of, the only advice I can give is to hit that market as nose-on and as close to the speed (if advised by Captain Jess) as possible. IIRC, there were markers pointing you to when to turn to Crosswind, Downwind, Base and Final.

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