Joystick - Which hand do you use?

Partly agree… most, if not all of the old fighters had the stick between the legs of the pilot and the thottle on the left hand side.
Since fly by wire became the standard the stick moved to the right and the throttle staid left.
In airliners AFAIK only airbuses use sticks ( left or right handed depends on the number of stirpes on the shoulder of the pilot(s).
Alle others use yokes and a central thottle.
To me in person I never had problems with the position of the controls.
Not in cars ( LHD/RHD) type of transmission ( automatic, manual, H-patern, paddles or sequential) and not in planes either.
Even at the tennis court I’m able to smash left and right handed.
Believe me… doing so saves time and distances of running to the ball…
Have to admit that I still lose most of the matches but that’s only a minor detail of course :slight_smile:

Actually it does raise a few questions, for real world pilots being left handed or right handed.

For planes with a sidestick (e.g., an Airbus tubeliner or certain miljets like the F-16) they either have to adapt or find another plane to fly.

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Of course had a dumb :roll_eyes: moment then. Appreciate you being very cordial.

All - I started out with FS98, and had a cheap JS, Logitech I think, then MS released the FFPro stick and I used that until we moved out of Oregon. During that period, I quit flying sims, but kept the JS. Then tech eclipsed the serial port connector, so got a Logitech 3D Pro and used that for long time. It never worked good under Windows 8 - Vista. Worked fine under Windows 7 & 10. It started to get sloppy in the rudder movements, so I jumped up to quality stuff. Since the DC Designs F-14 was rumored, and I am right-handed, I got the VFX JS with T-50 CM2 base. I fly the 747/787/C-17/F-14 at least 99% of the time, and I gave lots of thought to how that is going to work, and finally decided, I got better things to worry about, left seat/right seat/ heck I am in the only seat, so I can use what I want. As one mentioned, Mil AC’s have the throttle on the left and the stick is RH. But the Stick in the C-17 is either or, but again, I got what I got. I also thought about the yoke, and investigated, Honeycomb, Yoko the yoke ($$$$$), and the new one from Thrustmaster, and decided I want a new chair more than a yoke, so barring unforeseen medical issues, the chair is my next purchase. Monster Tech here I come. And after all that, fly with what you feel comfortable with and can improve with, don’t worry about real world problems, we have enough in this sim. As the picture above shows, no “one rig” is perfect for every plane, so you will either have a room full of stuff, or you will just fly with what you have.

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I use a right-handed stick. (I’m left handed)

Left hand for sure. That is with the TCA Airbus sidestick and in the real 172 I fly. For civil aircraft, I’m sure it came out of necessity as power and other controls are manipulated with the right hand.

In the 172, once I’m level and trimmed, it’s a few fingers holding the lower left corner of the yoke. It doesn’t take much pressure on the controls and is way more comfortable than the “death grip” that newer pilots sometimes do.

Depends on the plane…

A320 - Left stick and throttles on right
DCS (fighters) - stick in the middle (use right hand), throttle on left
GA - Yoke in center, throttle quad on right

So basically a lot of shifting things around…

Left handed. Thrustmaster Warthog throttle and stick. Right/stick. Fly the WT Cj4. I’ve got a Honeycomb that’s been used for about 10 minutes. Lol

Most pilots sit on the left, and therefore use their left hand to control the aircraft.
Instructors and first officers sit on the right seat, and therefore use their right hand.
Single place aircraft generally have the right hand to control the aircraft, throttle on the left hand.
Some aircraft are different.

Do you change them according to your task?

Personally I use my left hand on the stick, throttles on the right, but that’s what I use IRL currently as well…

Before I got my Airbus stick, I was using the 3D extreme pro ‘backwards’ too…

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A bit off topic but my father who used to instruct a lot still flies from the right seat even in a 172 when alone, he is just so used to it and it’s actually something I do at times in sims as I actually enjoy it. Although he has flown many aircraft including the Metroliner, Jetstream 31, Saab 340, MD-80 and 737 he has only been a captain (left seat) on the Saab 340 and 737 (currently a captain at AAL flying the 737).

In real life it depends on the aircraft.

For example back when I was still flying, the local Aeroclub 172 we hired flew with your left hand on the Yoke and your right hand on the central Throttle whereas the little Jabiru for hire just up the road was flown with right hand on the central console joystick and left hand on the throttle over near the Window.

In game (as opposed to real life) I tend to fly with left hand on my Fulcrum Yoke, but if I swap to my old MS FFB I use my right hand as the stick itself is moulded to the shape of a right hand.

As instructor (retired) both sides.
Left seat when flying charter & right seat when teaching.

I’m right handed, however I use the left hand for the joystick and right for throttle🤷‍♀️

Left,because i want to fly as a CP ! lol

In trainers, the Jabiru is an obvious one with a console sidestick and a left hand throttle.

I have never really heard of people that trained on a Jabiru having issues converting to a Cessna or Piper. It does not seem to matter which way around you learn it.

Left hand for A320 and right to GA

Left sidestick because captain is in the left side… lol

And the cockpit view point is also in the left side by default.

Left hand on stick, in sim and in GA airplanes. Finally an advantage of being left-handed :muscle:

I use a HOTAS for planes with stick and fly with the right hand because it feels far more natural. After all many stick planes have the throttle on the left (military, Cub, P.149, …) For everything with a Yoke I use the Honeycomb with throttles to the right.
If I fly the SR22 I stick with the HOTAS even though it’s not correct.