Joystick - Which hand do you use?

I normally setup my peripherals to what I’m flying.

XCub? Hotas with right hand stick
Airbus? Bravo with right hand stick (because I normally fly FO position)
Cessna? Yoke with Bravo on the right
P51 - Stick with Bravo on the left
PC-6 - Left hand stick with Bravo on the right
Etc etc etc

I have 2 T16000M (one left, one right) a thrustmaster throttle, an alpha and a bravo. This allows me to ‘model’ practically any plane

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using the Sidewinder Force Feedback pro 2 :
Right hand on joystick, , because the engine axe is on the left (and additionnal buttons too)
using the yoke,
Left hand on yoke and right hand for engine because the throttle Quadrant is on the right.

I’ve always flown right handed in sims but have recently switched my t.16000m to left handed use since I found myself often switching my hand over. Was actually surprised how easy it is since I’m as right-handed as they come.

If I can eventually find the matching throttle in stock I’m going back to right-handed though.

both hands
dribble basketball both hands
use mouse both hands
cannot type…

took me three tries to type this

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It’s all in your own preference, @Tweak112, for added realism, use the same layout as the aircraft.

A friend of mine in simracing, put his shifter on the left side when he was racing English racecars… so i guess it’s just what you fancy, or how your rig is set up.

Personally, i like my joystick on the left, as i’m using a joystick on the right when i’m at work (so that hand needs some easier tasks when not on duty :wink: ) and i’ve got my rig setup for left joystick flying… i do notice that over time, my left hand is now more coordinated, but still not as accurate as my right hand after 200-ish hours of flightsim.

Have a great day,

Kindest Regards to all,


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I use my right hand, but I only use the buttons on my joystick :joystick:


I’m left handed and fly with a T.1600m joystick on the right and Virpil CM3 throttle on the left regardless of what I’m flying. The T.1600m joystick works fine but looking to update it for something more substantial.

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I do a config of Side stick right & throttle left, but sit in the captains side… Haha. I feel I have slightly better control using my right hand, more so for landings. That said I should really give my left hand a try and get more practice in as that’s the captains config. :+1:

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I’m left handed and therefore use my left hand on stick and right hand for throttle.
Thanks to Virpil, VKB and the growth of HOSAS in Space-Sim’s for good options for lefty sticks I no longer have to suffer.
However, since VKV launched the MCGU as a right handed option only and nobody has (yet) made a military throttle for the right (wrong) hand I’m actually seriously considering learning to fly and combat with my right hand.

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It’s more of a matter of muscle memory. I’d flown (sims & flying games) with my right hand for nearly 30 years. Muscle memory was well developed. Then there was the double whammy switch from a right hand stick to a left hand (mostly) yoke, which feels completely different from a stick. The first couple of flights with the yoke were a bit rough as I got used to it, particularly with landings. After a few days though, all was good. Now flying with my left hand feels completely natural.

Greai topic and for me it’s right … I am just waiting for gliders so my set up is somewhat reclined, my joystick actually sits on a pedestal plant stand plumb between my thighs. Once we have gliders I have plans for trimming with my left hand.

Left hand, as I fly A320 only.

DCS: HOTAS as supposed, stick right, throttle(s) left, but my TS Warthog is mounted in front of me between my legs.

civilian sims: depending on the plane I use stick or Yoke, stick between legs, left hand, throttles Honeycomb bravo. But there I usually use the T16000m due to the right hand design of the Warthog stick. Therefore I just switch the mounting.

In reality I fly SEPs which have the throttle in the center, C172 and WT9. In cruise I usually use the right hand on the stick/yoke but switching hands when required. In the Skyvan I fly right seat, so yoke right and power levers left.

Train both sides if possible, it’s always good to know everything.

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Right here

I was taught to fly helicopters with my right hand. I am left handed. I still fly my joystick with my right hand and mouse with my left hand.

I will tell you the VKB MCG Ultimate grip is one very sweet grip. Absolutely love mine mounted on a Gunfighter Pro.

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Left hand for me. I fly pretty much all GA.

I’ve also got this weird thing where since I have a yoke, I don’t let myself fly aircraft that use a stick. I just don’t feel right doing it.

Dualstick (L+R), if i leave the atmosphere. Otherwise, right hand (Center- or Right-Stick)

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I prefer to use my right hand on my joystick but my wife often changes hers or her arms get tired :wink:

More to the point when new mine was exclusively for right handers so I modded it with a heatgun.

Didn’t that hurt?:wink: