JU52 Flaps and trimming

So yesterday I got my JU-52, found a nice livery and just popup at the runway and prepared for a first impression flght with the 1939 version. After I realized I should have to use the joystick slider to control the throttle (as my TCA would only control two of the three engines) I discovered that I wasn’t able to adjust the flaps or to trim the airplane once airborne because I wasn’t able to find where were the controls for those!!

May anyone tell me where are those located in the cockpit?

set two buttons. trim up , trim down. Works for me. Flaps wheel is down at the bottom right side of the pilot seat. Big yellow wheel.

Is it me or the take off roll seems far to short.

To the right of the pilot’s seat base is a large wheel. Inboard of that wheel is a lever. When this lever is pulled up or pushed down it will toggle the wheel’s function as a means to manipulate the flaps or as a means to manipulate trim.

The flaps and trim position indicator is to the pilot’s left mounted on the inside wall of the aircraft.

Hope that helps!

This has been covered many times actually… if you pull back on the ground and slam the throttles to the forward stop you‘ll get it off the strip within the length of the plane which is obviously wrong. If you use correct takeoff procedure and power it flys after 100-200 meters depending on load which is pretty spot on.